God amazes me everyday the way He sets my schedule for me. Lately He has been teaching me about the fine line between making my own plans for my daily activities and the adjustments He makes in my schedule to make those divine appointments happen. I do the best I can to use my time wisely, and I try to set plans for the coming days, but God always seems to shift those around to accommodate His will.
Once again yesterday’s walk was no different than His divine intervention and God adjusting my schedule to fit His plans. The plans for my morning were to involve a few meetings that would help the cross walk to take place on Labor Day weekend; then, the afternoon was to be set aside for carrying the cross through the city streets. After a full day of blessings and re-arranging my timeline, I finally got on the road around 5 p.m. I was delayed primarily because people wanted to bless us with food all day long. Unexpected people just voluntarily gave us groceries the entire day. We received bags of groceries four separate times yesterday. Needless to say, our hearts are overflowing with the evidence of God’s provision for us while we are on this journey. Our cabinets, refrigerator, and freezer are overflowing with so much food that we cannot put one more thing in them. God is truly faithful.
About 4:45 in the afternoon, I was dropped off in front of a large condominium on Beach Boulevard. Rachel waited with me there while I put the cross together so that I could carry it down the road. As the hand of time passed into the 5 o’clock hour, I was ready to be on my way. Rachel and the boys drove off and I began to walk with the cross down the road side.
I made it about 100 feet down the road when I was met by a guy that I had talked to a few days before. At that moment we said hey to each other, and he asked me how far I was going to walk down the boulevard. He asked if I would like to walk with him. Of course I said yes, and that I would love to do that. Our conversation quickly turned to the brief words we had spoken to each other a few days before. During that earlier meeting, we did not have any deep conversations, but we just introduced ourselves and I gave him my testimony. I told him at that time that I had been released by God from the addictions of pornography and lust, and those two strongholds almost destroyed my life.
Within the first few minutes of this second time of meeting, our conversation turned to a serious nature. He confessed to me that something I had said to him the other day connected with his life and what he is going through right now. He told me that his marriage was struggling and that he was dealing with a deep addiction to pornography and lust. He said that he was in Gulf Shores by himself, because his family could not come with him, and that he was using this time to try to set some things right in his relationship with God. He said this it was difficult here because there are so many women around with small bathing suits on, but that he was really trying to work on it. He has been able to overcome other addictions in the past, but he is currently fighting a battle with his fleshly desires.
It was obvious to both of us, that our meeting was given over not to mere chance, but a divinely orchestrated scheduling of each of our times and paths. As we walked down the road together, he shared with me some of the details of his life and I was able to share with him how God divinely freed me from the captivity of those destructive paths. I was able to share Scripture verses with him that applied to what he was dealing with. I was able to give him practical exercises and reading materials he could use to help him fight this battle. Most importantly, I was able to give him hope that God is able to rescue him from the burdens that this ruthless addiction has brought upon his life.
Forty five minutes later, we parted ways. Just before we separated, he invited me into his condominium and he gave me some food for my family. We stepped out on the balcony and prayed together for God to move mightily in both of our lives.
I would ask all of you to pray for Bob. His name is not really Bob, but I wanted to keep him anonymous due to the sensitive nature of this story. He is from another part of the country and he is the owner of a business. Bob turned to God just over two years ago and is now is trying to serve the Lord. He is a man with a past, just like the rest of us, and is struggling to work through a life in which he created many messes to clean up. Please pray that he will continue to seek the Lord and that his wife continues to have a forgiving spirit as he works through this addiction.
If you have been touched by this inspiring story, please consider giving to this ministry. My family and I are currently seeking full time support to carry the cross throughout the country and establish a ministry that God has laid upon our hearts. We are currently seeking 350 individuals that will commit to support this ministry for at least $10 a month. We are also available to take any one time gift that God lays upon your heart. The contact and mailing information is located at the top right hand corner of this blog located in the "About Me" section.
Thank all of you for praying, and your consideration to support this ministry.
Keep the FAITH!! Spread the WORD!!
Barry ,You and Rachel continue in the walk God has called of you and all you needs will be met according his riches in glory . The Lord saids those that obey my voice shall inherit the fruit of the land {pharphased by me] read Deuteronmony28:1-13,AND since you have returned back to your LORD and heard his voice and obeyed Deuteronmony 30:6,9,16 is his promised to you . Thank you for being obedient to his voice ,He gave you this land to being forth his glory and as you contiune to do his call upon your lives he will bring in the fruit of your hands . Love Aunt Faye