I decided to give you guys a little taste of what it is like for me to carry the cross for God. Although today was a bit unusual, the videos that follow should give you a sense of what it is like. The photos to the left are pictures of mansions that I walked by at the end of West Beach in Gulf Shores. This day's walk was not typical only because there were very few people around. Most of the time when I walk I am completely surrounded by people and carrying the cross causes a stir among those people.
In the following videos you will see me in different periods of emotional state. The walk was over six miles long and it was as if I was in a desert. The roadside being over one hundred degrees and the difficulty of the trip caused me to have to draw off knowledge from my past training to make sure that I was not putting myself in too much danger from the searing heat. I also was challenged spiritually by the enemy often. You should be able to witness that as you watch the videos.
Please sit back for a few minutes and just watch as the day unfolds.
I need to clarify my words a bit. I did not mean that the pastor seemed to be trusting in his riches, but rather the other people around.
By this point I had walked a couple of miles and the walk was so intense that my body began to break down physically. It was well over one hundred degrees on the roadside and the water that I had was the temperature of the atmosphere. Just remember, when you are tired and weak the enemy has more ability to work against you.
As I was very weak at the end of that last video you got to witness me beginning to doubt our calling here. The next several minutes I prayed very hard for the Lord to help me through the phase that I was going through. As I said earlier, when you are physically weak then satan can influence you easier and begin to break down your faith, unless you turn to God and ask for help.
Through that desperate time God revealed to me a truth about myself. As I confessed that and asked for forgiveness, my strength was returned and the Holy Spirit lifted me up the rest of the walk.
As you watch the following videos you will see how God changed my thinking and lifted my spirit.
As you can see this day was a very difficult one, but God taught me a lot through it. You might have noticed on some of the videos that I used the word "us" or "we" as I walked down the road. I was alone while I walked, and I took the video myself. Often times while I carry the cross, I reference myself as "us" or "we" when I am talking with people, simply because I consider this mission as not my mission alone, but my wife and children's mission also.
Thank you all for taking the time to join me on my walk. Although this time I did not receive a direct blessing while I walked, I did get a phone call and someone made a donation to us for over $200. Another person later at the meeting that I attended also gave us a gift. God is truly taking care of us one day at a time. Some bills are due now and that money will leave our hands quickly to pay those bills, but He only promises to supply our "daily" needs.
May God bless all of you. I am now counting on my God to supply all of my needs, and not in myself. Thank you God for my hard day.
Spread the WORD!!
Thanks for sharing your walk through video. I wish so much I had been one of the cars that passed I would have brought you a fresh cool drink of water. God bless you!
ReplyDeleteThank you JoAnne..I sure could have used it. I like the way the video thing turned out..I'll try to use it more often. God Bless
ReplyDeleteI love you, Barry! your Momma