Okay, here it is. I'm going to share with all of you a few of the things that God has laid on my heart concerning the next steps of this ministry. As all of you should know by now, we, me and my wife, believe that God wants us to move forward with the ministry of carrying the cross and to expand it's impact to other places.
I always find it an interesting topic to discuss with people about, "hearing God's voice", or "capturing the vision" that God wants one to see. That means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Whichever way you believe that God speaks to us, it is clearly defined as an intention by God to lead each of us to the path that He desires for our lives, therefore, fulfilling His will.
The paths that God has directed us to in recent months have not always been easy ones to follow. Often time we had to deeply seek His guidance, while taking steps of uncertainty of what was just beyond our own sight. As we took literal steps of faith, He has opened doors for us that were hard to even imagine prior to our obedience. Just as we did then, we are also doing now. I firmly believe that as we take the following steps to expand this ministry, God will not only sustain it, but He will cause it to explode beyond my own logic or reasoning. He has taken us this far, and we are trusting Him to continue to go before us as we follow what we believe to be His leading.

"Cross Bearing Ministries", as most of you have heard by now, will be the title of this ministry. In summary, we are believing that this ministry will become primarily an umbrella ministry for other individuals and groups that desire to lead the charge in taking Jesus Christ to the world through the act of carrying a cross. At the present, God has given me the vision of the ministry to travel to various parts of this country and carry the cross in those places. As we travel to those places we are to invite and inspire others to carry the cross for their own community. We are to organize events that will bring attention to the name of Christ that relate to carrying a cross. For example these events could be, carrying multiple crosses at one time through one particular area, charity walks, or just appearing in places that are highly visible to many people at one time.

It is intended to begin to build and army of cross walkers, so to speak, that will carry crosses in their community on a regular basis for the name of Christ. As the ministry grows we will be able to assist those that carry crosses, help fund charities, connect cross walkers through the use of a data base, and coordinate their efforts.
Many of the details are still being worked out and will continue as time passes. I truly feel God's leading hand in all of this and I am trusting His guidance. As I have begun to carry the cross to the community here in Gulf Shores I have realized that people need radical symbols such as this. People need this type of "sign" to assist them as they live this life. As all of us know, our faith is tested every day, and this form of outspoken testimony truly encourages people to put a deeper faith in God. As I carry the cross to the streets in the real world, it convicts people, it reminds people, it directs people, it encourages people and it gives people hope that God is real and that He desires to have the love of their hearts.

Please just take a moment with me and imagine if you will, what kind of an impact if we, as one coordinated effort could establish 300, 500, or 1000 people to carry a cross on a continuous basis throughout this country. What if each of our communities had that "radical symbol" to see on a regular basis. Would that not remind people of their need for a Savior? Would that not convict those that are living a life of carnality and destruction? I believe that it would. I not only believe that it would, I know it would. This country has forgotten God. We have removed Him from our schools, our homes, our lives, and in some cases, our churches. We, as believers, need to take this country back. We need to become "radical symbols" of "little Christ's", to turn the heart of this nation back to the one, true, God.
These are hard and trying times we live in. As a whole, our nation is hurting. I believe that we are dying. I believe that we will soon face God's judgement without mercy if we do not turn this nation around and bow to Him. God always sends people to warn cities and nations before He releases His wrath upon them. I believe I am seeing that occur as we speak. This ministry would serve as a great tool to convict people to turn to God, and begin to live out the statement "In God We Trust". Our country has not only forgotten God, but we have turned from Him.
Please understand the importance that I believe this ministry will have in leading the way to turning our country back to God. Some of you have heard me say that I believe that one man can change the world. I believe that with all of my heart. Imagine what God can do with a group of believers that give everything they have to serve Him and share His love with the world. Jesus changed the world with twelve apostles, how much more can He do with us?
As I have shared that calling with you, we are in need of your prayers and support to continue. I am currently in the process of casting this ministry to as many people as I can so that a large support base can be obtained. Know this, God is leading me, directing me, and opening doors for us every step of the way.
We are currently seeking 350 individuals or families to commit to at least $10 a month to support this ministry. We are in need of that support now as we continue this ministry. We are currently looking into ways to make it easier for people to provide the funds needed to support us and for those that support to receive information from us on a more personal level.
Please consider supporting us and this ministry. $10 a month is such a little amount for most of you, but it would mean the world to us and the people we are able to reach. Please not only consider this offering for yourselves but please help us expand our growing list of friends and supporters so that the burden is easier on everyone. As we grow our community of friends we also extend our arms to be able to help more and more people. Please consider this opportunity for we are counting on your support as God leads.
I have lots more to share, but as for now that is the extent of my time for this moment. I will be updating frequently and possibly more often than just once a day. So with that knowledge please be aware that there may be multiple postings per day. Keep a check often, and once again please support this ministry. If you could see the world through my eyes as I walk with the cross, then you would know how important this is. God blesses more abundantly those that give sacrificially. God bless all of you.
Spread the WORD!!
Our mailing address is:
Cross Bearing Ministries
C/O Barry Jones
1517 Regency Road, #66
Gulf Shores, Alabama 36542
For Donations make a check payable to:
"Cross Bearing Ministries" and mail it to the address above.
Phone Numbers:
Barry Jones (334) 590-1043
Rachel Jones (334) 730-3457
Email: barryandrachel@hotmail.com
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