Laboring through thick sands of the beach I began to think about all of the years I spent trying to build my own kingdom. As I walked through the city I observed building after building that have become empires to some. They have built their lives around the security of their own wealth. They have worked hard for something they think will keep them safe and secure.
I will admit that it is a very tempting thing to be drawn to the wealth and beauty of this world. I will also admit that I was drawn to it for a very long time. Now, by the grace of God I see things differently. God has given me the wisdom to build a Kingdom that will far out last the temporary things of this world.
I spoke to many people as I carried my cross. I was able to pour my life and the life of Jesus Christ into Jennifer, Chad, Joey, Vince, Richard, Dabbs, Emily, and several others. At the end of the day, as I looked back over the path that I walked, I was thankful for the heavenly wealth I was able to build.
Thank you God for giving me this blessed opportunity.
Spread the WORD!!
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