Everyday I am reminded of how God is using us here in Gulf Shores. It truly amazes me to think that not too many months ago I questioned the very call that God has me fulfilling at this very moment. Not only have I learned so many things that God wanted to teach me through this, but I have also been able to help others along on their journey with the Lord.
There are so many different stories that I cannot possibly tell you all of them. In fact, I am finding it difficult to even record all of them on paper. I speak to lots of people everyday, and each one of their lives hold different circumstances. The one common thread in all of them is that "God" is needed in every one of them. Whether it be people that are angry at me for what I am doing, unsaved people looking for answers, or other believers that are at a place in their lives trying to follow God's ways. I am able to help them in those areas simply because of the cross that I carry and the hope that I have to tell through my own personal circumstances. God has truly blessed me and my family with the knowledge that this ministry is being used in more ways than I can even articulate to you.
The photo listed above is a family that I met while carrying the cross on the beach. I spent about an hour with them, talking to them, and giving them words that the Lord laid on my heart to tell them. They are followers of Christ and they have been sensing God's call upon their lives to become missionaries to a foreign country. They are at a place in their lives where they need to make a decision to answer the call and trust God, or to live in disbelief and worry about their future.
After our long conversation, we exchanged emails and I asked them if they wouldn't mind sending to me, in their own words, how this ministry has helped them. The following lines will be just that, their own words.
Amy and Adam write:
"It was great meeting you yesterday. We believe that God had us in that spot at that time to meet and share with you. Thank you for sharing a glimpse of your journey so far and your vision of where you sense God moving you. You spoke words of encouragement for us. Interestingly, today's sermon was about evangelism. Our pastor, Mark Price, began by asking if we had ever had a sense or prompting to speak to someone or go a certain direction home or stop at a different gas station on the way home, etc. It is usually the Holy Spirit prompting you. I laughed a little, thinking how this reminded me of what we talked about yesterday and really how you are living out your ministry right now - waiting on prompting. I can only believe that God is trying to refine Adam and I in this area. We want to be open and familiar to hear His prompting and walk in obedience.
... I was going to say that when I looked down at the beach and saw this man with a cross, I thought "He must be trying to evangelize by walking up to people and telling them about Jesus. Does that really work?" I saw you pray with a couple and saw others looking at the people around the cross. I caught myself wondering what they were thinking. It almost made me uncomfortable. And here we are, Christians. You walked closer and I noticed that you weren't stopping to talk to everyone on the beach. We even stopped you to ask a question, you didn't stop to "interrupt" our beach time. While you were stopped where we were, a lady walked over and had questions. They became personal about her teenagers and her struggles with them. You offered her sound advice to turn to God that He could change them, she could not. You (invited her)over to pray for her and she obviously wanted that eagerly. Who would have thought that you would have an "alter" there on the beach. Our conversation (which turned out to be lengthy,ha) was an appointment from the Lord. It makes us laugh that God would even do that. You offered words of encouragement for a family who is struggling to answer a call and see clearly the timing and direction for ministry. Thank you for sharing your call, your struggles, your continuous faith-building circumstances, and your desire to hear His voice and obey even in the smallest of decisions like to turn right or left, east or west. So I stand corrected in my thoughts about the man with the cross. God is using you in ways that go beyond telling every person on the beach about Christ. God is using you to encourage believers who will carry on alongside you and all over to spread the Word.
Again, it was great meeting you yesterday. We look forward to seeing where God leads you.
In His Love,
Amy and Adam"
Wow! The words that they wrote above ring out as encouragement to me, and it should to you as well. As you have read, those were the words from people that have been directly affected by the hand of God working through this ministry.
Yesterday on the beach was truly a day that God ordained. Early in the walk I knew that God had something special planned for the day. As I hit the beach with my cross I was laughed at, scoffed at, and even threatened physically by a couple of guys on the beach. The enemy was working hard against me, and I have learned that when he (satan) attempts to scare me away or discourage me, then that usually means that God is planning on doing something great in the following moments.
Folks, I can only hope that Amy and Adam continue to seek God's will in their lives. After talking with them at length, I do believe that they know what they are supposed to do, and that they will begin to take steps to follow that calling. Although I cannot tell if what I was doing that day proves to be the final sign that they needed to answer God's call upon them, I can, however, leave that conversation knowing that I did my part and was placed there by God. It is an overwhelming thought to realize the possibility that what I have been able to instill in their lives could possibly be carried to another country on the other side of the world. It is evident to me time and time again, that I have been allowed by God to truly reach the "world" with the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Thank you all for your continued support to this ministry. My family and I would not be able to continue if it were not for a growing number of people that are willing to support this ministry. We are still seeking one time offerings and full time supporters. We are praying for 350 individuals to commit to at least $10 a month on a regular basis as a gift to this non-profit ministry. Our contact and mailing information is in the top right hand corner of this page in the "About Me" section. You can also go to "www.crossbearingministries.com" for further donation and contact information. We are praying daily for full time support, and we are seeing God answer those prayers in a positive way. God has placed several things on my heart for the coming days of this ministry and I will continue to share them as the appropriate time comes. God be with all of you.
Keep the FAITH!! Spread the WORD!!
Barry, my son, I stand in amazement also and will continue to pray that God "write the check". God can and will provide for those who are in the "place" He has called them. I love you very much. God is so faithful. I say that each time for it is truly my heart. God is so faithful. He is amazing and our praise should always be of Him and His work and Purpose!
ReplyDeleteAwesome man!!! Thanks for posting this. I know it must be encouraging to see fruits of your walk of faith. I pray that God will continue to produce more, and meet all of your needs.