Stop! Stop everything you are doing and please read this with complete attention. This entry into my journal of blogs is without a doubt the most tragic set of circumstances that I have encountered while carrying the cross in Gulf Shores. The story I am about to tell will anger you, and break your heart at the same time. As you read you will witness the devastation that one family has suffered through the untimely death of a child. Though horrific events have occurred, there is still hope. As I unfold this chapter of brokenness, you will see how the intersection of my calling and one woman named Carls was ordained and orchestrated by our loving and sovereign God.
Setting out to carry the cross that day, I knew with surety that I was to focus totally on the sandy beaches. Most of you know that each day I carry the cross I follow the path that God lays upon my heart for that particular day. I take only the paths he tells me to take as I walk on that day. I knew that I was to head straight to the beach. So that's what I did.
As I trudged through the thick sands I walked with confidence that something great was going to happen. As I walked, God worked. The beach was crowded and I had to wiggle my way between layers of vacationers. Thousands of beach goers watched me with shock as I walked by them dragging this huge symbol of the Crucifixion. The day was going so well that, as an estimate, I was able to directly speak to approximately one hundred people about Jesus and why I was carrying the cross. As I spoke to the last group of people, I turned to head off the sands and set my sights toward the road to home.
Still on the sands, I heard a lady cry out to me, "Barry!". As I turned to find the voice she again said, "Barry. That is your name, isn't it?" I smiled and said, "Yes, it is. Do I know you?" She said, "I am Carla, and I'm sorry but I was listening to your conversation with those other people." We began to talk and she expressed that she was glad to see me out there.
At one point, early on in our conversation I stopped and asked her if she loved Jesus. I asked her what "loving Jesus" meant to her. She simply stated, "He is my Savior, and I lean on Jesus every day." When she said that, I felt the Holy Spirit urge me to reply to her, "Jesus has saved you from a lot of things, hasn't he?". I immediately had a sense that she had been through some tragic times.
She turned her head and looked away for a moment. With a deep breath she turned to look back at me with tears in her eyes. Then it happened. She broke my heart. She began to tell me the story that turned her life upside down. She said, "Barry, my two year old granddaughter was murdered in May of this year. My family and I came to this beach to get away from the heartache for a week, but all I see are little girls playing on this beach and having fun. They are everywhere. It's not fair. I don't understand it."
By the end of that opening statement I was crying with her. Honestly, I myself was in shock, but I knew God had placed me there to help her. As Carla continued, she told me that her granddaughter's name is Allyson. She told me that her son was separated from Allyson's mother and that the mother's boyfriend had killed the two and a half year old little girl. It is believed that the boyfriend was keeping precious, little Allyson while her mother was at work. They think that Allyson had a dirty diaper and that angered the boyfriend and he picked her up and threw her into a wall. The impact crushed her skull which caused severe damage to her brain. Sweet little Allyson was a fighter and hung on for two weeks until she passed away.
Carla told me that the boyfriend has been charged with capital murder and is in jail without bond. Of course, he is denying any knowledge of the event. (Due to the guidelines of our court system, he is not yet convicted and must be presumed innocent until that is proven.)
As I cried for Carla and her family, I knew why I was there. I knew that I was to try to give her hope for a new day. Not one without the pain of her loss, but one of victory through this tragedy.
With tears in my eyes, I told Carla that I didn't understand why this tragedy had occurred either, and that I didn't know why Allyson and her family had to endure something so unfair. I did know this, that God wants to do wonderful things through the sufferings of Carla and her family. As I began to share with her what was on my heart, I pointed her in the direction of hope. I encouraged her, and I prayed for her. As the Holy Spirit guided my words I told her that God hates what happened to Allyson, but that God is sovereign and He has a plan for her in all of this. I comforted her and expressed to her that little Allyson has been ushered into God's presence and has possibly been spared from even worse circumstances. Allyson, right now, is one of God's chosen to enter into the gates of beauty that far exceeds our imagination. I desperately tried to comfort her in the fact that Allyson is with God.
Just before we hugged and parted ways, I spent a few minutes trying to show her ways that God could use her to fight against these things happening to others. I impressed upon her to look for ways to pour into others that have experienced tragedy. That through those relationships God will begin to heal her tormented heart.
As Carla and I ended our conversation, she told me that she felt guilty because Allyson wanted to stay with her just before the brutality occurred. She said that Allyson cried because MaMaw Nu-Nu (Carla) had to go to work and could not keep her. They had to pull Allyson away from Carla so that she could leave. Carla said to me, "Barry, I kept asking God, 'Why?', and God just kept telling me to trust Him. Barry, you have been my angel today, and God wanted me to meet you."
All of you should know that as I wrote this blog I broke down several times and sobbed uncontrollably. I felt tremendous pain for the tragedy that occurred to Allyson. My heart aches for Carla, her son, and their family. I thanked God for the opportunity to be used in such an important way. This entire summer has overwhelmed me with the knowledge that God appointed me and my family here to help people along their path of life and to point them to the One, True, Hope.
Carla emailed me a few days later and told me that her family had been looking for a sign from God...and that I was a part of that sign the they are going to make it through this. Due to the conversaton we had, Carla and her son are planning on beginning this process of healing by writing a blog and sharing their story with others. I will keep all of you informed as I hear from them and their progress.
Please pray for Carla and her family. They have many heartaches and trials to work through. They will need the love of God to see them through this.
As for me and my family, I am truly blessed. As I share with you my struggles of making ends meet and making decisions to follow God's lead, I am fully aware that I am a blessed man to have all of my children alive and well. May God be with Carla and her family.
Keep the Faith!! Spread the WORD!!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Be Real!
Unable to post pictures at this time...Sorry : (
I would like to share with all of you a reality that I could easily pass over if I chose to do so. Most of you that have read of this journey we are on have been able to witness not only the blessings, but also the difficulties that accompany it. You have seen and felt our times of joy and peace, but you have also been involved in the fears and despairing days that we have faced.
I could easily pass over the uncertain circumstances, and just share with you the blessings God has graciously afforded upon us. In fact, some men and women that have given their lives to minister, only speak of the ups and not the downs. Maybe that is their mission, or maybe they restrict the negatives because they are embarrassed. They may even believe that a transparent life would somehow make them seem as though they are not worthy to carry the scepter of ministry.
I, for one, want my life to be an open book for all people to read. I believe that the transparency I show, coupled with humility, is exactly what God wants me to reveal to people. What I have learned in my thirty-seven years is that people are not perfect. There are many that appear to be, and there are some that even think they are, but I assure you, no one is perfect. They are not even close.
I said all of that to premise this one important aspect of my calling. Not only has God been changing other people by our steps of faith, but He has also changed us. Over the last few weeks God has specifically had me in a mental and spiritual place to "prepare" for the new beginning of our lives and this ministry. One of the key concepts of this "new beginning" is the realization that our primary ministering role (outside of our family) is not to evangelize directly, but indirectly through inspiration and steps of faith that lead other believers to take steps of faith for themselves. Without a doubt our ministry has a profound and direct affect on the lost, but honestly, that has become a by-product produced by our obedience.
For example, I received a phone call just the other day from a couple that has been following our progress. In that phone conversation one of them expressed how they were greatly encouraged from reading the blog and that they pass it on to others often. Another believer expressed that they have been struggling with a traumatic incident that occurred in their family and that we have helped them see that God is sovereign even in the tough times. Another person told me, "That if a normal guy like you can make such a radical step to share his faith, then we all should be able to share Christ with those in our own world, even in mine." If I had the time, and the memory to recall all of them, I would love to share with you the countless conversations that I have had with others that have been changed by our mission. Although it is still hard for me to imagine, I am now aware that by simply obeying God to take this step has not only encouraged hundreds of believers, but thousands all over the country. That is an undisputed fact, that brings me to my knees daily.
Why did I write all of this? Why am I trying to paint you a picture of the fact that God has used this ministry in enormous ways already? It's simple. It's because I want you to see how important it is to obey God. I want you to realize how God can work through your own life. I want you to know that the things that Satan intended for destruction in your life, God intends for good.
Catch this very important point. Don't let this point slip away from you. Here it is, "God wants to build His Kingdom, by using the broken pieces of your life." He is the foundation, and you are what makes His Kingdom special.
So, with the knowledge you have gained from witnessing our family's actions, and the leading of the Holy Spirit in your own life, move forward, answer His commands with a "Yes, Lord", and take those steps of faith necessary that will build the Kingdom of God through the use of your testimony.
Keep the FAITH!! Spread the WORD!!
I would like to share with all of you a reality that I could easily pass over if I chose to do so. Most of you that have read of this journey we are on have been able to witness not only the blessings, but also the difficulties that accompany it. You have seen and felt our times of joy and peace, but you have also been involved in the fears and despairing days that we have faced.
I could easily pass over the uncertain circumstances, and just share with you the blessings God has graciously afforded upon us. In fact, some men and women that have given their lives to minister, only speak of the ups and not the downs. Maybe that is their mission, or maybe they restrict the negatives because they are embarrassed. They may even believe that a transparent life would somehow make them seem as though they are not worthy to carry the scepter of ministry.
I, for one, want my life to be an open book for all people to read. I believe that the transparency I show, coupled with humility, is exactly what God wants me to reveal to people. What I have learned in my thirty-seven years is that people are not perfect. There are many that appear to be, and there are some that even think they are, but I assure you, no one is perfect. They are not even close.
I said all of that to premise this one important aspect of my calling. Not only has God been changing other people by our steps of faith, but He has also changed us. Over the last few weeks God has specifically had me in a mental and spiritual place to "prepare" for the new beginning of our lives and this ministry. One of the key concepts of this "new beginning" is the realization that our primary ministering role (outside of our family) is not to evangelize directly, but indirectly through inspiration and steps of faith that lead other believers to take steps of faith for themselves. Without a doubt our ministry has a profound and direct affect on the lost, but honestly, that has become a by-product produced by our obedience.
For example, I received a phone call just the other day from a couple that has been following our progress. In that phone conversation one of them expressed how they were greatly encouraged from reading the blog and that they pass it on to others often. Another believer expressed that they have been struggling with a traumatic incident that occurred in their family and that we have helped them see that God is sovereign even in the tough times. Another person told me, "That if a normal guy like you can make such a radical step to share his faith, then we all should be able to share Christ with those in our own world, even in mine." If I had the time, and the memory to recall all of them, I would love to share with you the countless conversations that I have had with others that have been changed by our mission. Although it is still hard for me to imagine, I am now aware that by simply obeying God to take this step has not only encouraged hundreds of believers, but thousands all over the country. That is an undisputed fact, that brings me to my knees daily.
Why did I write all of this? Why am I trying to paint you a picture of the fact that God has used this ministry in enormous ways already? It's simple. It's because I want you to see how important it is to obey God. I want you to realize how God can work through your own life. I want you to know that the things that Satan intended for destruction in your life, God intends for good.
Catch this very important point. Don't let this point slip away from you. Here it is, "God wants to build His Kingdom, by using the broken pieces of your life." He is the foundation, and you are what makes His Kingdom special.
So, with the knowledge you have gained from witnessing our family's actions, and the leading of the Holy Spirit in your own life, move forward, answer His commands with a "Yes, Lord", and take those steps of faith necessary that will build the Kingdom of God through the use of your testimony.
Keep the FAITH!! Spread the WORD!!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
In their own words....

Everyday I am reminded of how God is using us here in Gulf Shores. It truly amazes me to think that not too many months ago I questioned the very call that God has me fulfilling at this very moment. Not only have I learned so many things that God wanted to teach me through this, but I have also been able to help others along on their journey with the Lord.
There are so many different stories that I cannot possibly tell you all of them. In fact, I am finding it difficult to even record all of them on paper. I speak to lots of people everyday, and each one of their lives hold different circumstances. The one common thread in all of them is that "God" is needed in every one of them. Whether it be people that are angry at me for what I am doing, unsaved people looking for answers, or other believers that are at a place in their lives trying to follow God's ways. I am able to help them in those areas simply because of the cross that I carry and the hope that I have to tell through my own personal circumstances. God has truly blessed me and my family with the knowledge that this ministry is being used in more ways than I can even articulate to you.
The photo listed above is a family that I met while carrying the cross on the beach. I spent about an hour with them, talking to them, and giving them words that the Lord laid on my heart to tell them. They are followers of Christ and they have been sensing God's call upon their lives to become missionaries to a foreign country. They are at a place in their lives where they need to make a decision to answer the call and trust God, or to live in disbelief and worry about their future.
After our long conversation, we exchanged emails and I asked them if they wouldn't mind sending to me, in their own words, how this ministry has helped them. The following lines will be just that, their own words.
Amy and Adam write:
"It was great meeting you yesterday. We believe that God had us in that spot at that time to meet and share with you. Thank you for sharing a glimpse of your journey so far and your vision of where you sense God moving you. You spoke words of encouragement for us. Interestingly, today's sermon was about evangelism. Our pastor, Mark Price, began by asking if we had ever had a sense or prompting to speak to someone or go a certain direction home or stop at a different gas station on the way home, etc. It is usually the Holy Spirit prompting you. I laughed a little, thinking how this reminded me of what we talked about yesterday and really how you are living out your ministry right now - waiting on prompting. I can only believe that God is trying to refine Adam and I in this area. We want to be open and familiar to hear His prompting and walk in obedience.
... I was going to say that when I looked down at the beach and saw this man with a cross, I thought "He must be trying to evangelize by walking up to people and telling them about Jesus. Does that really work?" I saw you pray with a couple and saw others looking at the people around the cross. I caught myself wondering what they were thinking. It almost made me uncomfortable. And here we are, Christians. You walked closer and I noticed that you weren't stopping to talk to everyone on the beach. We even stopped you to ask a question, you didn't stop to "interrupt" our beach time. While you were stopped where we were, a lady walked over and had questions. They became personal about her teenagers and her struggles with them. You offered her sound advice to turn to God that He could change them, she could not. You (invited her)over to pray for her and she obviously wanted that eagerly. Who would have thought that you would have an "alter" there on the beach. Our conversation (which turned out to be lengthy,ha) was an appointment from the Lord. It makes us laugh that God would even do that. You offered words of encouragement for a family who is struggling to answer a call and see clearly the timing and direction for ministry. Thank you for sharing your call, your struggles, your continuous faith-building circumstances, and your desire to hear His voice and obey even in the smallest of decisions like to turn right or left, east or west. So I stand corrected in my thoughts about the man with the cross. God is using you in ways that go beyond telling every person on the beach about Christ. God is using you to encourage believers who will carry on alongside you and all over to spread the Word.
Again, it was great meeting you yesterday. We look forward to seeing where God leads you.
In His Love,
Amy and Adam"
Wow! The words that they wrote above ring out as encouragement to me, and it should to you as well. As you have read, those were the words from people that have been directly affected by the hand of God working through this ministry.
Yesterday on the beach was truly a day that God ordained. Early in the walk I knew that God had something special planned for the day. As I hit the beach with my cross I was laughed at, scoffed at, and even threatened physically by a couple of guys on the beach. The enemy was working hard against me, and I have learned that when he (satan) attempts to scare me away or discourage me, then that usually means that God is planning on doing something great in the following moments.
Folks, I can only hope that Amy and Adam continue to seek God's will in their lives. After talking with them at length, I do believe that they know what they are supposed to do, and that they will begin to take steps to follow that calling. Although I cannot tell if what I was doing that day proves to be the final sign that they needed to answer God's call upon them, I can, however, leave that conversation knowing that I did my part and was placed there by God. It is an overwhelming thought to realize the possibility that what I have been able to instill in their lives could possibly be carried to another country on the other side of the world. It is evident to me time and time again, that I have been allowed by God to truly reach the "world" with the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Thank you all for your continued support to this ministry. My family and I would not be able to continue if it were not for a growing number of people that are willing to support this ministry. We are still seeking one time offerings and full time supporters. We are praying for 350 individuals to commit to at least $10 a month on a regular basis as a gift to this non-profit ministry. Our contact and mailing information is in the top right hand corner of this page in the "About Me" section. You can also go to "" for further donation and contact information. We are praying daily for full time support, and we are seeing God answer those prayers in a positive way. God has placed several things on my heart for the coming days of this ministry and I will continue to share them as the appropriate time comes. God be with all of you.
Keep the FAITH!! Spread the WORD!!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
The World Behind Me. The Cross Before Me.

God amazes me everyday the way He sets my schedule for me. Lately He has been teaching me about the fine line between making my own plans for my daily activities and the adjustments He makes in my schedule to make those divine appointments happen. I do the best I can to use my time wisely, and I try to set plans for the coming days, but God always seems to shift those around to accommodate His will.
Once again yesterday’s walk was no different than His divine intervention and God adjusting my schedule to fit His plans. The plans for my morning were to involve a few meetings that would help the cross walk to take place on Labor Day weekend; then, the afternoon was to be set aside for carrying the cross through the city streets. After a full day of blessings and re-arranging my timeline, I finally got on the road around 5 p.m. I was delayed primarily because people wanted to bless us with food all day long. Unexpected people just voluntarily gave us groceries the entire day. We received bags of groceries four separate times yesterday. Needless to say, our hearts are overflowing with the evidence of God’s provision for us while we are on this journey. Our cabinets, refrigerator, and freezer are overflowing with so much food that we cannot put one more thing in them. God is truly faithful.
About 4:45 in the afternoon, I was dropped off in front of a large condominium on Beach Boulevard. Rachel waited with me there while I put the cross together so that I could carry it down the road. As the hand of time passed into the 5 o’clock hour, I was ready to be on my way. Rachel and the boys drove off and I began to walk with the cross down the road side.
I made it about 100 feet down the road when I was met by a guy that I had talked to a few days before. At that moment we said hey to each other, and he asked me how far I was going to walk down the boulevard. He asked if I would like to walk with him. Of course I said yes, and that I would love to do that. Our conversation quickly turned to the brief words we had spoken to each other a few days before. During that earlier meeting, we did not have any deep conversations, but we just introduced ourselves and I gave him my testimony. I told him at that time that I had been released by God from the addictions of pornography and lust, and those two strongholds almost destroyed my life.
Within the first few minutes of this second time of meeting, our conversation turned to a serious nature. He confessed to me that something I had said to him the other day connected with his life and what he is going through right now. He told me that his marriage was struggling and that he was dealing with a deep addiction to pornography and lust. He said that he was in Gulf Shores by himself, because his family could not come with him, and that he was using this time to try to set some things right in his relationship with God. He said this it was difficult here because there are so many women around with small bathing suits on, but that he was really trying to work on it. He has been able to overcome other addictions in the past, but he is currently fighting a battle with his fleshly desires.
It was obvious to both of us, that our meeting was given over not to mere chance, but a divinely orchestrated scheduling of each of our times and paths. As we walked down the road together, he shared with me some of the details of his life and I was able to share with him how God divinely freed me from the captivity of those destructive paths. I was able to share Scripture verses with him that applied to what he was dealing with. I was able to give him practical exercises and reading materials he could use to help him fight this battle. Most importantly, I was able to give him hope that God is able to rescue him from the burdens that this ruthless addiction has brought upon his life.
Forty five minutes later, we parted ways. Just before we separated, he invited me into his condominium and he gave me some food for my family. We stepped out on the balcony and prayed together for God to move mightily in both of our lives.
I would ask all of you to pray for Bob. His name is not really Bob, but I wanted to keep him anonymous due to the sensitive nature of this story. He is from another part of the country and he is the owner of a business. Bob turned to God just over two years ago and is now is trying to serve the Lord. He is a man with a past, just like the rest of us, and is struggling to work through a life in which he created many messes to clean up. Please pray that he will continue to seek the Lord and that his wife continues to have a forgiving spirit as he works through this addiction.
If you have been touched by this inspiring story, please consider giving to this ministry. My family and I are currently seeking full time support to carry the cross throughout the country and establish a ministry that God has laid upon our hearts. We are currently seeking 350 individuals that will commit to support this ministry for at least $10 a month. We are also available to take any one time gift that God lays upon your heart. The contact and mailing information is located at the top right hand corner of this blog located in the "About Me" section.
Thank all of you for praying, and your consideration to support this ministry.
Keep the FAITH!! Spread the WORD!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The Ripple Effect

How does this ministry help the name of Jesus?
How can one man carrying a wooden cross with wheels on it help others?
Isn't there a better way to get the name of Jesus out to the world?
Are you qualified to minister to people?
Don't you think that others might think you are crazy?
Why don't you go to Bible school first and then find a normal way to serve God?
Dude, Jesus didn't have wheels on His cross!
Look, it's Jesus...ha ha ha ha!
Hail Satan!
What's your story?
Why are you carrying that cross?
Why do I carry the cross? As you have probably figured out by now, these are just some of the things people say to me while I am out carrying the cross through the streets of Gulf Shores and Orange Beach, Alabama. The last question, "Why are you carrying that cross?" is the one asked of me most frequently. The answer to that one is easy. I simply reply, "Because someone out here needs to know that Jesus loves them."
I want all of you to know that ministering to people by simply carrying a cross for Jesus has been amazing. Not only has it been a blessing to me, but it has reached countless numbers of people way beyond my own circle of friends.
Just the other day I was talking to a local here about seeing me carry the cross. He said that a few weeks back he received a text message from a guy that lived in Birmingham, Alabama. The resident from Birmingham had just received a photo, via text message on his phone, of a guy carrying a cross in Gulf Shores. I learned that photo was of me while I was carrying the cross.
I have been stopped time and time again to have people take a picture of me and the cross, so that they could send the photo to their friends throughout the country. Many people stop me and take a picture for themselves and that photo will travel back to their place of residence, way beyond the boundaries of this state, and will touch other's lives for years to come.
Why carry the cross? There are a million individual reasons why I should keep carrying this cross. As you read the card at the top of this blog you can see how one person's life was changed. That person made a generous donation to our ministry because she believes in the good that this ministry can do.
As you read through these blogs, and as you pray for and support our ministry, please know that "Cross Bearing Ministries" is making a huge impact not only on this community, but it's message is trickling out to this country and even to the world.
The "ripple effect", it's how God works.
Keep the FAITH!! Spread the WORD!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Castles in the sand.

Laboring through thick sands of the beach I began to think about all of the years I spent trying to build my own kingdom. As I walked through the city I observed building after building that have become empires to some. They have built their lives around the security of their own wealth. They have worked hard for something they think will keep them safe and secure.
I will admit that it is a very tempting thing to be drawn to the wealth and beauty of this world. I will also admit that I was drawn to it for a very long time. Now, by the grace of God I see things differently. God has given me the wisdom to build a Kingdom that will far out last the temporary things of this world.
I spoke to many people as I carried my cross. I was able to pour my life and the life of Jesus Christ into Jennifer, Chad, Joey, Vince, Richard, Dabbs, Emily, and several others. At the end of the day, as I looked back over the path that I walked, I was thankful for the heavenly wealth I was able to build.
Thank you God for giving me this blessed opportunity.
Spread the WORD!!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Video Blog...Toughest Day Yet

I decided to give you guys a little taste of what it is like for me to carry the cross for God. Although today was a bit unusual, the videos that follow should give you a sense of what it is like. The photos to the left are pictures of mansions that I walked by at the end of West Beach in Gulf Shores. This day's walk was not typical only because there were very few people around. Most of the time when I walk I am completely surrounded by people and carrying the cross causes a stir among those people.
In the following videos you will see me in different periods of emotional state. The walk was over six miles long and it was as if I was in a desert. The roadside being over one hundred degrees and the difficulty of the trip caused me to have to draw off knowledge from my past training to make sure that I was not putting myself in too much danger from the searing heat. I also was challenged spiritually by the enemy often. You should be able to witness that as you watch the videos.
Please sit back for a few minutes and just watch as the day unfolds.
I need to clarify my words a bit. I did not mean that the pastor seemed to be trusting in his riches, but rather the other people around.
By this point I had walked a couple of miles and the walk was so intense that my body began to break down physically. It was well over one hundred degrees on the roadside and the water that I had was the temperature of the atmosphere. Just remember, when you are tired and weak the enemy has more ability to work against you.
As I was very weak at the end of that last video you got to witness me beginning to doubt our calling here. The next several minutes I prayed very hard for the Lord to help me through the phase that I was going through. As I said earlier, when you are physically weak then satan can influence you easier and begin to break down your faith, unless you turn to God and ask for help.
Through that desperate time God revealed to me a truth about myself. As I confessed that and asked for forgiveness, my strength was returned and the Holy Spirit lifted me up the rest of the walk.
As you watch the following videos you will see how God changed my thinking and lifted my spirit.
As you can see this day was a very difficult one, but God taught me a lot through it. You might have noticed on some of the videos that I used the word "us" or "we" as I walked down the road. I was alone while I walked, and I took the video myself. Often times while I carry the cross, I reference myself as "us" or "we" when I am talking with people, simply because I consider this mission as not my mission alone, but my wife and children's mission also.
Thank you all for taking the time to join me on my walk. Although this time I did not receive a direct blessing while I walked, I did get a phone call and someone made a donation to us for over $200. Another person later at the meeting that I attended also gave us a gift. God is truly taking care of us one day at a time. Some bills are due now and that money will leave our hands quickly to pay those bills, but He only promises to supply our "daily" needs.
May God bless all of you. I am now counting on my God to supply all of my needs, and not in myself. Thank you God for my hard day.
Spread the WORD!!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
There's just something about Lin that makes you smile!

You guys remember Lin? I first wrote about Lin on July the 10th (The story is in the archives if you would like to learn about how we met). The first time I met her I just knew there was something special about her. You might remember that the day I met her I was running later than usual to carry the cross, and I was frustrated about my late start. As the story goes, it was God's plan all along for me to be late that day so that Lin and I could meet.
On July 10th, I sat with her for about 20 minutes and briefly explained the story of Jesus and an overview of the Bible. At that time she was not very familiar with any of it and she was curious to learn more. On one of the days following our first meeting, I delivered to her some of Rachel's homemade brownies and a neat little Bible with a question and answer section in it that explained a lot about what we believe. At that time I expressed to her that I desired to meet with her again to learn more about her and so that she could meet my family. She explained that she was having to work two jobs and that she did not have much time to socialize. Due to the fact that I knew she was very busy and I did not want to intrude upon her, I just reminded her of our offer to get to know her better and I backed away.
On August 6th, around 11:00 p.m. my phone rang out with a text message. It said, "Hey, this is Lin, I am sorry that it has taken so long, but I am off of work tomorrow and I would like to meet your family." Needless to say, I was ecstatic. I quickly responded back, "That would be great!" So we made the arrangements to pick her up and take her to Chick-fil-a around 10:30 a.m. She said that she would love to meet us for a little while but she needed to meet some other friends around twelve or one.
As the next morning rolled around it was time to pick Lin up. We had cleared a spot in our tightly packed van for her and she was finally able to meet Rachel and three of our boys. She was very excited to see us and immediately hit it off with the kids. Lin quickly became the highlight of the week when she opened up her purse and took out cute little stuffed animals that she had purchased for our children.

Once we arrived at Chick-fil-a I suddenly realized that she might not have ever eaten at this kind of establishment, and thinking further, she may not even like the food. So I curiously asked her if she had eaten there before and she said that she had not. She had not even eaten that kind of food but she was excited to try something new. As we shared that first meal together, all of us quickly realized that we enjoyed each other's company and we all asked many question and had discussions about the differences in our cultures. Rachel and I found out that the people in China, for the most part, are very disciplined in their eating habits, even to the point of how they structure each meal so that they can use their body to it's most effective capacity. They eat very light in the morning and drink salt water to purify the body of impurities they gained through the night. They eat a bigger lunch and usually a light supper. It was all so interesting to see how their culture is so much different than ours. Needless to say we laughed and had great conversations about many things including our faith.
As the lunch time ended, Lin expressed that she did not have anything to do until later that evening and would like to spend the day with us if we were able to. We did have other things planned, but we quickly rearranged our schedule to spend as much time with her as we could. Due to the fact that she has had to work two jobs since she has been here in Gulf Shores, she has not been able to go much further than a block or two from her home. She has no transportation other than a bicycle, so we quickly came up with a few things to do so that she could see much more of this area.

We loaded up and the road trip began. We headed into Orange Beach and were initially going to take her to a place called the Wharf, but we were close to the church we are attending so we swung by there first. I wanted her to see the place and I wanted to check out a huge sign that I helped the children's pastor build. As you can see it was a very large sign and so we took a picture of Lin while she stood in front of it.

Then it was off to the Wharf. The Wharf is a really nice resort area that houses many quality restaurants, "Guy Harvey" stores, and a marina with million dollar yachts. As we toured the place we just enjoyed our time with Lin and shared our lives with her. After an hour or so of walking around and getting to know each other it was time to move on.

We then headed to a place commonly called "the pass". The pass is a beautiful spot where the Intercoastal Waterway hooks up to the Gulf. It is basically a channel with beautiful beaches and a large bridge that passes over. Lots of boats pass by and people go fishing there all the time due to the fact that many different fish use it as an avenue of travel. We curiously looked out over the water and enjoyed the cool breeze flowing through our hair as we looked on.
Once we left there Lin wanted to see where we are living. So we started off for our house. We had to explain to her that we don't have a lot of things and actually we live quite differently than most Americans, but she still wanted to see our place. While on the way we stopped off at a place called "Daylight Donuts" just down the road from our condo. Lin had never had a donut before so we knew we would be doing her a dis-service if she did not have a good ole American donut before she left our country in a few weeks. We bought them and waited until we got home to eat them. One of the highlights of the local donut shop is that they have a pond near the store that is home to a six foot alligator named Sammy. While there we stepped over to the pond but was unable to see it.
We finally made it home and showed her around the place. Lin did not eat a lot while at Chick-fil-a and actually she expressed that she does not eat or drink a whole lot anyway. When it came to the donuts it was a different story. I decided not to embarrass her by taking a picture of her stuffing her mouth while she ate those delicious donuts, but I will add that she wanted not only the one we gave her, but she eagerly wanted a second one.

As our time slipped away we knew that it was getting close to the time to take her back home. On the way to her condo, we stopped off at a boardwalk nature trail that overlooks the marshes. While on the boardwalk we did see one wild alligator with it's mouth poised open for any unsuspecting animal that might become it's dinner. Needless to say that was a sight that she will not soon forget.
Just before we left her for the evening we expressed our joy to finally spend some time with her, and she did the same. We were right around the corner from her place and she decided that she would just walk home from there. As she walked away, after saying bye to all of us, I could not help but pray for her and wonder if we would get to see her again.

Saturday we received good news from her, again via text message. She requested to go to church with us this Sunday and we arranged to pick her up. As she attended the service she was very impressed with the music and the spiritual aspect of the service. She stated that she had been looking through some of the questions and answers in the front of the Bible that I gave her. She also expressed that she was going to take the sermon notes home from today's message and look over them later.
Once again we had a wonderful time expressing our faith in God to her and were excited to share a wonderful church service with her. I know that the seeds that have been planted in her life will not return void. It is no accident that we have met and will hopefully continue to get to know Lin better. We certainly do enjoy her company, and of course we want to help her find the true meaning to life through our Lord and Savior. She has expressed that she is quitting one of her jobs so that she can enjoy her stay here more with the little time that she has left. She said that she is interested in attending more of the church services and activities with us. She would also like to spend more time with us.
I can't express the gratitude that is in my heart for all of you that have supported us. Not only has a wonderful new friendship begun, but we have had another opportunity to share Jesus Christ with someone that may not have heard it if I had not been carrying the cross on the day of July the 10th. Think about it for a second, through the act of carrying the cross through Gulf Shores, we are helping to reach China with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The simple fact that Lin has experienced the sight of one man carrying a cross down a city street will resonate throughout her world in China. That is an awesome thought! As we set out on Friday to share with Lin, I knew that we did not have much money to survive on in the coming days. As we shared our lives with her that day, I could only trust that God would honor what we were doing with her.
I must say that as the end of August rapidly approaches I am only able to trust God for the provision for us to continue our mission. I pray that God will lay on each one of your hearts, and even those that I do not know, to support this ministry. We have no other means of monetary support so we are counting on God to supply all of our needs. Please search your hearts to see if God is calling you to help support us. We are currently praying for 350 individuals to donate $10 a month on a regular basis. This will cover our monthly expenses and will give us a little extra to take care of the unexpected expenses and advance the ministry forward.
At the end of August I plan to take a long walk with the cross and I will expound on that later.
Some really big news, one that many of you have been waiting for is that God has worked out a special event for us to be involved in on Labor Day weekend. About two months ago God gave me the vision to see seven crosses carried in a single file line through the beaches and streets of this city. It was to happen at one time, and as the crosses were carried through the city, supporters would be stopping along the way to pray for people and witness to them. Well, I must say that God has put most of it together for me. Through a few connections that I have gained while carrying the cross here, currently I have been able to coordinate at least five crosses to be carried at one time on Saturday of this Labor Day weekend. I am trying to find a few more people to help with the walk and that might be interested in carrying a cross with us. It will be an awesome sight and will bring the presence of God to this place like never before.
God is truly moving in this place and He is truly moving through the obedience of this ministry. Please join us and be a part of what He is doing here. Please consider supporting us financially and any other way you feel called to do. As you give to this ministry, remember that you will be blessed more so in return.
Spread the WORD!!
Our mailing address is:
Cross Bearing Ministries
C/O Barry Jones
1517 Regency Road, #66
Gulf Shores, Alabama 36542
For Donations make a check payable to:
"Cross Bearing Ministries" and mail it to the address above.
Phone Numbers:
Barry Jones (334) 590-1043
Rachel Jones (334) 730-3457
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Casting the Vision!

Okay, here it is. I'm going to share with all of you a few of the things that God has laid on my heart concerning the next steps of this ministry. As all of you should know by now, we, me and my wife, believe that God wants us to move forward with the ministry of carrying the cross and to expand it's impact to other places.
I always find it an interesting topic to discuss with people about, "hearing God's voice", or "capturing the vision" that God wants one to see. That means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Whichever way you believe that God speaks to us, it is clearly defined as an intention by God to lead each of us to the path that He desires for our lives, therefore, fulfilling His will.
The paths that God has directed us to in recent months have not always been easy ones to follow. Often time we had to deeply seek His guidance, while taking steps of uncertainty of what was just beyond our own sight. As we took literal steps of faith, He has opened doors for us that were hard to even imagine prior to our obedience. Just as we did then, we are also doing now. I firmly believe that as we take the following steps to expand this ministry, God will not only sustain it, but He will cause it to explode beyond my own logic or reasoning. He has taken us this far, and we are trusting Him to continue to go before us as we follow what we believe to be His leading.

"Cross Bearing Ministries", as most of you have heard by now, will be the title of this ministry. In summary, we are believing that this ministry will become primarily an umbrella ministry for other individuals and groups that desire to lead the charge in taking Jesus Christ to the world through the act of carrying a cross. At the present, God has given me the vision of the ministry to travel to various parts of this country and carry the cross in those places. As we travel to those places we are to invite and inspire others to carry the cross for their own community. We are to organize events that will bring attention to the name of Christ that relate to carrying a cross. For example these events could be, carrying multiple crosses at one time through one particular area, charity walks, or just appearing in places that are highly visible to many people at one time.

It is intended to begin to build and army of cross walkers, so to speak, that will carry crosses in their community on a regular basis for the name of Christ. As the ministry grows we will be able to assist those that carry crosses, help fund charities, connect cross walkers through the use of a data base, and coordinate their efforts.
Many of the details are still being worked out and will continue as time passes. I truly feel God's leading hand in all of this and I am trusting His guidance. As I have begun to carry the cross to the community here in Gulf Shores I have realized that people need radical symbols such as this. People need this type of "sign" to assist them as they live this life. As all of us know, our faith is tested every day, and this form of outspoken testimony truly encourages people to put a deeper faith in God. As I carry the cross to the streets in the real world, it convicts people, it reminds people, it directs people, it encourages people and it gives people hope that God is real and that He desires to have the love of their hearts.

Please just take a moment with me and imagine if you will, what kind of an impact if we, as one coordinated effort could establish 300, 500, or 1000 people to carry a cross on a continuous basis throughout this country. What if each of our communities had that "radical symbol" to see on a regular basis. Would that not remind people of their need for a Savior? Would that not convict those that are living a life of carnality and destruction? I believe that it would. I not only believe that it would, I know it would. This country has forgotten God. We have removed Him from our schools, our homes, our lives, and in some cases, our churches. We, as believers, need to take this country back. We need to become "radical symbols" of "little Christ's", to turn the heart of this nation back to the one, true, God.
These are hard and trying times we live in. As a whole, our nation is hurting. I believe that we are dying. I believe that we will soon face God's judgement without mercy if we do not turn this nation around and bow to Him. God always sends people to warn cities and nations before He releases His wrath upon them. I believe I am seeing that occur as we speak. This ministry would serve as a great tool to convict people to turn to God, and begin to live out the statement "In God We Trust". Our country has not only forgotten God, but we have turned from Him.
Please understand the importance that I believe this ministry will have in leading the way to turning our country back to God. Some of you have heard me say that I believe that one man can change the world. I believe that with all of my heart. Imagine what God can do with a group of believers that give everything they have to serve Him and share His love with the world. Jesus changed the world with twelve apostles, how much more can He do with us?
As I have shared that calling with you, we are in need of your prayers and support to continue. I am currently in the process of casting this ministry to as many people as I can so that a large support base can be obtained. Know this, God is leading me, directing me, and opening doors for us every step of the way.
We are currently seeking 350 individuals or families to commit to at least $10 a month to support this ministry. We are in need of that support now as we continue this ministry. We are currently looking into ways to make it easier for people to provide the funds needed to support us and for those that support to receive information from us on a more personal level.
Please consider supporting us and this ministry. $10 a month is such a little amount for most of you, but it would mean the world to us and the people we are able to reach. Please not only consider this offering for yourselves but please help us expand our growing list of friends and supporters so that the burden is easier on everyone. As we grow our community of friends we also extend our arms to be able to help more and more people. Please consider this opportunity for we are counting on your support as God leads.
I have lots more to share, but as for now that is the extent of my time for this moment. I will be updating frequently and possibly more often than just once a day. So with that knowledge please be aware that there may be multiple postings per day. Keep a check often, and once again please support this ministry. If you could see the world through my eyes as I walk with the cross, then you would know how important this is. God blesses more abundantly those that give sacrificially. God bless all of you.
Spread the WORD!!
Our mailing address is:
Cross Bearing Ministries
C/O Barry Jones
1517 Regency Road, #66
Gulf Shores, Alabama 36542
For Donations make a check payable to:
"Cross Bearing Ministries" and mail it to the address above.
Phone Numbers:
Barry Jones (334) 590-1043
Rachel Jones (334) 730-3457
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Front Page of the Local Newspaper!
I will be writing a new post tomorrow morning, but for now I just want to touch on a few current events concerning the ministry.
1) The initial developments and structure of "Cross Bearing Ministries" is beginning to take shape. God has begun to open some doors in ways that only He can. He is connecting us with people that can only be defined as relationships orchestrated by God to develop this ministry to fulfill His purpose for it's mission.
2) My family and I travelled back to Prattville, Alabama for the weekend (our home town just outside of Montgomery). We will return this week to continue the work God has called us to. God has truly blessed us and given us favor since we have been home.
3) AWESOME NEWS! I, Barry, was interviewed about a week ago by a local newspaper reporter for the "The Islander", the Gulf Shores Newspaper. She printed our story and it made the front page of Saturday's paper. Check it out. As I said, God is beginning to open doors as we continue to follow Him in faith. You can check it out on their website. It is the top story titled, "Cross Roads". I assume that it will be there until the next paper comes out, which is Wednesday. Check out the story online at:
Spread the WORD!!
Our mailing address is:
Cross Bearing Ministries
C/O Barry Jones
1517 Regency Road, #66
Gulf Shores, Alabama 36542
For Donations make a check payable to:
"Cross Bearing Ministries" and mail it to the address above.
Phone Numbers:
Barry Jones (334) 590-1043
Rachel Jones (334) 730-3457
1) The initial developments and structure of "Cross Bearing Ministries" is beginning to take shape. God has begun to open some doors in ways that only He can. He is connecting us with people that can only be defined as relationships orchestrated by God to develop this ministry to fulfill His purpose for it's mission.
2) My family and I travelled back to Prattville, Alabama for the weekend (our home town just outside of Montgomery). We will return this week to continue the work God has called us to. God has truly blessed us and given us favor since we have been home.
3) AWESOME NEWS! I, Barry, was interviewed about a week ago by a local newspaper reporter for the "The Islander", the Gulf Shores Newspaper. She printed our story and it made the front page of Saturday's paper. Check it out. As I said, God is beginning to open doors as we continue to follow Him in faith. You can check it out on their website. It is the top story titled, "Cross Roads". I assume that it will be there until the next paper comes out, which is Wednesday. Check out the story online at:
Spread the WORD!!
Our mailing address is:
Cross Bearing Ministries
C/O Barry Jones
1517 Regency Road, #66
Gulf Shores, Alabama 36542
For Donations make a check payable to:
"Cross Bearing Ministries" and mail it to the address above.
Phone Numbers:
Barry Jones (334) 590-1043
Rachel Jones (334) 730-3457
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