As I set out I looked around in the sky to check for rain clouds, and none of them seemed to hold a threat of wet weather. Setting out, I walked a short distance and took a right onto one of the main roads. Then a left and then another right. Although, initially I did not see any tumultuous clouds looming over head, as I made my last right hand turn I did see a darkening cloud in the distance. I gave it a quick thought and then continued in the same direction as before, which was heading straight for the cloud.

As I got closer I could see that not only one cloud had darkened but that there was a sky full of raging, grim looking clouds just beyond the lighted sky. I once again asked the Lord if I was travelling in the direction He would have me go, and He gave peace to my heart that I was heading right where He wanted me to be. I finally reached the point at which I knew He wanted me to end my travel to turn around, and it was right on the outside edge of the gruesome and angry looking clouds above.

I set my cross against the building and went inside for a few minutes to speak with the people there. It only took a few more minutes for those heavy clouds to begin to release it's fury and a storm began right over us. The rains fell in heavy torrents and the lightning and wind was impressive. I waited inside for a little while longer and let the heaviness of the storm pass by. I found myself in a position of which time was running out and it would be getting dark soon. So I determined I must be heading back.
At a break in the storm, I finally set foot back to my home. As I set out this time, I knew that I was possibly in for some dangerous weather while walking along the roadway. I began to pray for safe passage back and for God to lead me out of harms way. As I regained the ground from which I had just come from, I was well aware of the ugliness that loomed above me. Rain began to poor down heavily on my body as thunderous crashes were not only heard, but also felt. The jagged streaks of lightning that broke the thick air in the distance only made me more aware of predicament I was in. Interestingly though, I was not afraid. As I spoke with God further, I realized a calming peace deep in my soul, even in the midst of that churning storm.
In fact, I was at such peace that I began to sing songs of His praise and walked with confidence that my God had taught me a valuable lesson this week about the storms of life. You see, this past week has been one of many trials and storms that rocked the boat of my life. I weathered some pretty significant battles that shook my faith to the point of re-evaluating it. Through God's divine messaging system He clearly re-established my faith in His sovereignty, and the call He has upon my life. Because of the week of spiritual storms that I weathered, I was able to walk through the storm this afternoon with the confidence that God is not finished with me yet, and that I was under His hand of protection.
As I walked through the swirling winds, the rolling thunder, and the brilliantly lit lightening bolts, I knew that danger completely surrounded me; but that my God was with me for He had sent me out, and He would protect me.
Reflectively, there has been many dangerous storms that have surrounded me and my family while making this journey to Gulf Shores and Orange Beach. Just like walking through the storm today, I have placed myself in the hands of the Father while laying my life on the line for the people in Gulf Shores and Orange Beach. As I continue to gain a deeper and deeper faith in my Savior Jesus Christ, then I will continue to also lay my life on the line so that this country and the world can know new life in Jesus Christ. In these hard days people are lonely, hungry, hurting, confused, and even dying. I will continue to follow my God's lead. I will "keep the faith" even in the midst of the storm so that the ones that are lost may be found.
I want to take just a moment to thank all of you for taking an interest in this ministry. I have come to realize that this ministry is such a needed one, especially for this area. Please pray for my family and me as we continue to follow God's lead in this brand new ministry. We are facing some hardships, but we know that God is faithful and He will supply all of our needs.
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Here is a collection of pictures that represent only a very small portion of the lives that this ministry has touched since beginning in Gulf Shores and Orange Beach, only six weeks ago. These pictures contain signings of the cross and people that I have connected with while carrying the cross here. Enjoy.

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