When we began this ministry we had no idea how people would react to the sight of a man carrying a cross down the roadside. Within minutes on the first day of carrying the cross, I was thrown into a world of unexpected experiences.
One needs to understand that we set out on this mission to lead others to Christ, not to benefit ourselves in any way. I for one, really expected more negative response from people, but I was wrong. It is true that I come across a lot of people that look at me as though I have escaped from my cell at the local mental institution. I also get my fair share of those who taunt me and throw vulgar comments my way. Those kinds of responses are taken in stride and are to be expected. What I did not realize was that I would receive an overwhelming response of positive encouragement from people urging me to continue carrying the cross for the Lord.
For instance, meet Sherryl and her two daughters:

As I was walking down Beach Blvd., heading from Gulf Shores to Orange Beach, I looked up and saw a couple of trucks off in the distance parked on my side of the road. My side of the roadway did not have any businesses on it in that area so my curiosity was peaked when I saw them there.
As I got closer one of the trucks pulled away while leaving a black truck directly in my path. Just a few minutes prior to me realizing they were there, a couple of guys in a truck had just been yelling at me and mocking me. For a split second I had a suspicious thought that those guys might be in that black truck and waiting for me to walk by them. In that stretch of the highway, I had no other directions that I could travel so I was forced to walk toward them.
Although I approached with caution, I realized that God was with me and was my protection if I needed Him. Yes, it was in broad daylight and many others were travelling on the same highway, but carrying a cross through a city does attract a lot of attention and that attention is not always the most favorable kind. As I got closer, my slight apprehension was quickly extinguished when three nice lady's (Sherryl and her two daughters) stepped out of the truck with a cold bottle of water in their hands.
As we met they began to share the fact that they had just pulled of the road to stop and encourage me and offer me a donation; but as they did so, they got their truck stuck in the sand. The other truck that I had seen leaving had just pulled them out from being stuck. Instead of being frustrated and leaving they were kind enough to stick around and wait to meet me.
One of the little neat things I do is that I let "believers" sign the cross with their names and write a word of encouragement or a prayer request on the cross to serve as a memory for me, Rachel, and others that witness the ministry. As I walk down the road I am able to read the names on the cross and pray for them. Many of the signings help me to remember each word of encouragement and each of their faces. Rachel also has begun the ministry of collecting a list of signers and praying for them. As you can see in the pictures, Sherryl is signing the cross with a Sharpie Marker that I provide.
These three ladies and I had a fun filled conversation for a few moments, and I expressed how awful I felt about them getting stuck just for me. I apologized with anguish because I was the cause for them getting there truck stuck in the sand, but they would hear nothing of it. They just encouraged me to keep walking the cross for the Lord because many people need to see a radical statement like this one. After a smile and a couple of pictures, we parted ways and I continued on.
Several other people stopped that day to talk with me. One dear lady had passed me earlier in the day and told her family that if they saw me again that she had to stop and talk to me. Obviously she did pass by and stopped. She stated that I had made her day by the encouragement she received from seeing me carry the cross. She stated that she was a recovering addict and she had given her life to the Lord. She was so inspired that she stated she could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit with me, as she shook off the goose bumps she was having. (Rachel and I like to call those "God bumps"). Once again, there were so many contacts made for God's glory that I could not mention all of the things that happened that day.
On another note, some of you have asked about the Chinese girl named Lin Lin. When I met her she stated that she worked most of the weekend so I decided not to try to make contact with her. Rachel made some brownies for her and her roommates today and we put them on her porch this afternoon with a note attached. I was able to find her a Bible that is perfect for her. It is a New Testament and it has a section in the front that shows the plan of salvation and how to walk the Christian life. It also contains a section called "Big Questions" which answers a lot of questions we have about God and our purpose.
Once again, thank all of you for keeping up with what God is doing for us and the people here. I can't wait to see what God has in store when this ministry really begins to take shape and gets off the ground. I sense something much bigger is on the horizon. As I talk with people from churches here they are all expressing that a radical calling such as our ministry is exactly what this community needs. Not only that, but they all are making statements that the body of believers here need to pull together more to reap the harvest of this mission field. They have expressed many times that something like this ministry could help that unity to occur.
Please pray for us. God is still providing in unimaginable ways. This week and next week I am supposed to be meeting with several leaders of churches and ministries here. I am going to begin to introduce some things that would help build a stronger bond between those entities. I am truly sensing the Holy Spirit preparing the hearts of the leaders and the people to begin to work together in the vast mission field that they have here. Please continue to pray. Pray for me to make wise moves and statements. Pray that God will continue to reveal things I need to say and do to bring this together. Pray for the hearts of those here that they will continue to see the need and they will open their hearts and minds to God's movements.
Thank you all once again.....................Spread the WORD!!
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