As many of you know, I start out each cross walk asking God to guide each step that I take. I constantly pray for those that pass by me. I pray for people specifically as I see each one of their faces. The faces that I see, usually clue me in to how each person feels about seeing a man walking a big wooden cross beside them. I also pray specifically for which road I am to take and how far to travel on it. I usually do not set out with any kind of agenda other than to walk past the "one" person that God wants to see the cross on that particular day.
I am well aware that this method of carrying out the Great Commission influences many more than just one person, but I have just learned to carry it for that "one" person. By having that frame of mind I am able to leave it up to God whether I get to find out who I was able to influence for the day.

As I left out Monday, I did not think that I would actually be taking the cross to the sands for the day. I have taken it onto the sandy beaches before, but as of yet that has been a sensitive decision for me. I always wonder if I am going to get kicked off by the police, or if it will cause too much of a stir on the beach itself.
It is different than the road primarily because it usually involves lots of person to person contact. In fact all of them are contacts of that nature. It leaves no room for escape or turning back, and it is right up in people's faces, so to speak. When I walk on the beach I carry it right near the water's edge so that all on the beach can see it clearly. I must say, it does cause quite a stir. Everyone turns to look at the unusual sight of a cross being carried across the sands. Of course, I am not able to see through the eyes of the spectators, but it must be a breathtaking sight. Some people gasp, and others point and laugh. Although I do have those that reject the cross as it passes by, most of what I see is a shocked look on people's faces. Amazingly to me, I do get several people that are overjoyed by what they are witnessing. Many make that known to me in unashamed ways.
Once again, this walk on the beach carried with it a very special moment. It was truly one for the record books. As I was walking, three ladies yelled to me from the water, "Sir, can we please take your picture?". Of course, I said yes, and we all gathered around for a photo. As we were doing that, a lady, her grandson and granddaughter walked up to speak with me also (They are in the photo below). Then about five more people walked up. All of them at the same time came toward me to speak to me. I was overwhelmed for a moment by the enthusiasm of those approaching.

During the conversation with Linda, the grandmother, and her grandchildren (shown above), I learned that her husband had just passed away four months ago. He was a pastor and it was unexpected. I also learned that her grandson standing with her had lost his mother when he was about twelve years old. My heart went out to them immediately and I felt that I had to pray for them right there. I asked if the others wanted to join me, and they did. It was an unbelievable sight. Right there, on the overcrowded beach, eleven believers formed a circle, held hands, bowed their heads and prayed. Did you catch that? Eleven strangers openly prayed, in symbolic unity, right there in front of all of those lost souls. I was so moved by the Holy Spirit that I could hardly contain my joy. I can only imagine what those around us where thinking.
I know that God moved mightily that day. I know that many will remember that scene for a very long time. I know that the events of that day will bring someone to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. It may be years down the road, but that was a scene that one cannot forget.
Please pray for Linda and her family. She is raising her grandson by herself now. She truly needs to be kept in your prayers. My prayer is that God will bless all of you.
Spread the WORD!!
On Friday I plan to post a big announcement for the future of this ministry. Please don't miss it. It's going to require a lot of prayer and support. God has been faithful and He will continue to do so...........See ya next update!
Barry I was so moved by the last few days events ,it really lifts my faith just reading about your time there .How you wittnesS to people and how GOD always puts who you need at the time you need really brings my faith up another level
ReplyDeleteThank you for being obedient to Gods call on your life tell Rachel and boys I love them and I love you also AUNT FAYE