Saturday, July 4, 2009

Divine Appointments!

Sorry for the late update....I have excuses but I won't use them....they are legitimate though, I promise.

Each step we are taking in this journey is a following of the path that God lays out before us. That path is laid out through many different ways. Just as our leading to Gulf Shores, I also carry the cross with the same inspiration. I do not set out to go to any particular location unless the Lord lays a certain person or place on my heart. As I walked this time He pointed me in the direction of Orange Beach by the using the road Beach Blvd. I walked that road determined to make it to Orange Beach, hopefully by night fall. As I was walking past vehicles traveling 50-70 miles an hour I could only trust my God to protect me.

This walk seemed to be different. It was as if I was to walk it for a specific person. I thought as if I needed to make it to Orange Beach on that road for one person in particular. Honestly, I do not know who for, but I do believe that through my obedience, and some sacrifice, the one person that needed to see me carrying that cross was reached. As usual I met many people along the way and stopped to talk with them about the Lord. The gospel was shared several times. The amazing thing to me so far has been how people (other Christians) will pull off on the side of the road, run to catch up with me, and flag me down to tell me how this place needs what we are doing and how they are encouraged by our steps of faith.

As I was waling I passed by a high rise condo. I continued on and about two blocks further down the road I heard a man's voice asking me to please stop. He had seen me on the road and came down from a unit up in the high rise and ran to catch up with me. Politely stated, he did not appear to be a marathon runner and it was extremely hot out there. As he approached me, he was sweating profusely and was out of breath. Many people offer me water as I am out there, but this time I felt as if I should offer him my water :)....the poor fellow had worked very hard just to get to me and talk with me. Not only that, as we were talking He was stung by a bee on the hand....when it rains it poors....He was already out of breath and I was just hoping he wasn't allergic.....but anyway, he ran all that way to tell me that he and his family saw me from the high rise and that he was greatly encouraged and moved by this. We had a wonderful discussion of how he loves to go on mission trips and soon he will be leaving for Peru.

As I was walking in a barren part of Beach Blvd another couple kept passing by and taking pictures. Now you have to understand that cars are zooming by while these sweet folks are slowing down to take my picture. A few times I was fearful they were going to get hit and I would feel as though I had caused it. Thank the Lord they were kept safe and as I approached Orange Beach they were waiting for me in a parking lot. They wanted to talk with me about what I was doing. They were also believers and we shared several minutes of encouragement and invitation.

Honestly folks, I am trying to paint a picture of just a small portion the things I am experiencing while walking with the cross. I never knew what kind of an impact it would make. At one point I counted cars that passed me for a certain length of time. I calculated an estimate of how many cars and people witnessed me carry that cross that day. Through my calculation there was approximately 10,000 cars that passed me along that roadway. Estimating 2-3 people in each one, there could have been up to 30,000 people that witnessed a man carrying a cross.

Until you experience that you cannot know what that feels like. One could argue that all of those people did not see me. I would have to argue that most of them did. They did not have a choice but to see me. Every car I pass I look at the people and all of them are looking straight at me. Some are shocked. Some are mean. Some are smiling, and some are laughing. All I can say is this, I have known for years that God wanted me to present the gospel to thousands upon thousands of people. I always thought it would be through a pulpit. The road has now become my pulpit.

You must understand that just the mere sight a man carrying a cross brings conviction. It forces you to make a choices. Is the gospel presented? not necessarily, but most people in this country know of the cross and at least part of what it stands for. It forces them to deny it or accept it. It forces them to think about a man that died for them and their sins. It forces them to think about the fact that God is here and He is watching their every move while in this city.

I once thought that this would have been a poor way to conduct evangalism, but now I know different. As of yet I have not approached anyone, they have all approached me. Even though only carrying this cross a short time, I have already presented Christ to ten's of thousands of people. Thank you to my God and to our supporters for this wonderful opportunity.

Spread the Word.....Barry

1 comment:

  1. Barry, my son, you were in my prayers constantly today for your protection from the many cars I knew would be vacationing. You were in my prayers for hydration while in this heat. You were in my prayers that God would bring about His purpose and accomplish His will in all things. I prayed for you because of the lack of sleep from sitting with fireworks. I prayed for you to be able to enjoy some time tonight @ the fireworks with your precious family. I could go on about the things I have prayed for specifically today BUT God knows and I trust Him completely with His results in His mission. I love you very much...your Momma!
    (Is the man who is going to Peru going with our team that Chris and Amanda will leave with on the 12th? There are several churches involved and going with them as they minister in Peru..)
