So far most of my cross walking has been quite encouraging. Most folks are at least polite even if they do not understand or agree with what I am doing. But this weekend was quite a different story. As soon as I began my walk on Saturday there was a different spirit in the air. As I looked upon the faces passing by me I could see that a dark cloud was on the horizon just waiting for me. Instead of smiles and waives from most, I received hardened and sour looks from many. Many statements of mockery were slung at me, and even some interestingly vocalized profanity was hurled my way. I got a real since that I was not only going to receive resistance today, but possibly someone's attempt to harm me.
As I walked I had to rely on the knowledge that God was with me and that He would protect me from physical harm. I am a believer in a very active spiritual realm between angels and demonic forces and I do believe there was quite a battle going on around me. It's something I can't really explain other that I just could sense the evil around me. It's kind of like that strange feeling in the air just before a tornado hits an area. You can't quite put your finger on it but you can feel the difference in the atmosphere around you. You can't necessarily see the danger, but you know it is close by so you had better keep your guard up. With that said, a large portion of my walk that day was spent in prayer to God to send His angels to protect me, and I believe He did.
Many things happened that day, but one was particularly eventful. Two young men, who had seen me earlier that day, pulled up beside me as I was entering a parking lot. I will leave them nameless but they are the two in the picture above. The driver, with a beer in his hand, began to ask me questions about why I was carrying the cross. Although not overtly trying to start an argument, I could tell early on that if I did not answer his questions wisely then he would become aggitated. He stated that his family was muslim and that he did not believe in words from man and would not follow after the prophet named Jesus.
As I began to explain the truth about Jesus and the Bible he stepped out of the car. Although not much taller than I, he was very muscular and strong. He stopped me and challenged my position about Jesus Christ. While answering his questions I used a little tool I learned while being a police officer. I diverted the conversation to another subject for a minute so to not escalate his potential anger. I asked him where he was from. He stated he was Iranian. As the conversation continued I was able to lighten the conversation by giving him respect and even throwing in a few jokes. With the mood lightened (a softening spurred by the Holy Spirit) I was able to speak to him about deep things concerning Jesus, the Bible, and the gospel. He listened to me because of my respect for his position and that he could see my passion for following Jesus.
He stated to me that he just had a friend get out of prison that had gotten saved and had begun to talk to him about the Bible. I thought that point to be very interesting and meaningful to the explanation of why he was so focussed on approaching me.
Truth is, amongst that hard exterior, he is a passionate man full of loyalty and conviction that is searching for the truth. He is looking for something to fill that hole in his life. He knows that there is something more real than what he has experienced and he is searching for the answer. I left the conversation knowing that I had planted a seed in that mans life. I was able to warn him that the path he is on may lead to destruction before he realizes it.
I pray for him.........I hope you will too..........Who knows, just maybe he needed to see me carry that cross so that his friend could lead him to the Lord........Thanks for caring and
Spread the WORD!!
Jesus Christ, may you continue your great work in this young man that spoke to Barry. May you use your word in a mighty and powerful way to show yourself to him and that he would bow his heart, mind and whole being to you as his King and Savior! May you use this young man to lead many to Christ. May you ONLY get the glory and may eternity reveal the result! In Jesus Name, Amen