Friday, July 31, 2009

Stalked by a fan!

Meet Brooke. She is also known as "Crying Brooke" in my world. Brooke is a young lady that I met on the beach a few days ago. She left such an impression on me that at the time of our meeting, I felt I had to give her a new name. Of course, the "Brooke" part of her name was titled by her mother and father many years ago. Although the name of "Brooke" is a beautiful name (I am partial to "Br" names, I have five sons that start with "Br") I feel the more relevant part of her name is "Crying". Now, she may not agree with me, nor her parents, but I just have to say that I would have to challenge them on one thing concerning that statement. Although I will not be in her presence when she reads this, I know that more than likely she will be "crying" by the time she has finished reading this blog. In fact, I'm sure of it.

Now meet Heather. Heather is the girl on the left in this photo and she is very good friends with "Crying Brooke". Heather is also an astounding young lady that I also met on the beach that day. As I talked with her that day I could see that she has a lot of wonderful opportunities ahead of her also.

As the story of our initial meeting goes, I was carrying the cross along the beach in front of many hundreds of people. As usual, many people that day were quite amazed at what they were witnessing. Some were in shock and some pretended I was not there by looking straight ahead. They acted as though they did not notice me. As I came near the end of my trek on the sands, I was approached by the two young ladies mentioned above. Their introduction to me was one of remembrance due to the fact that they both had looks on their faces that clearly indicated the thoughts in their heads.

Heather, with a guarded, but interested look in her eyes, stopped me and shyly asked me why was I carrying a cross on the beach. As Heather spoke to me with a timid voice, Brooke looked away while only glancing at me with her watery eyes, as if she was trying to hold back her tears. As I answered the question, "Because someone out here needs to know that Jesus loves them", they gazed at me with the look of an enamored fan. Folks, you would have thought I was John the Baptist himself telling of the coming Messiah, as I began to speak to them. As I relieved them of their initial worries, Brooke began to cry with tears streaming down her face. As for Heather, she appeared to be in shock and got tongue tied trying to answer a few very important questions that I had asked her. Within the first few moments of the conversation they both exclaimed with excitement that they had tracked me down after miles of walking to find me. They had seen a picture of me a little while earlier and had to track me down and speak to me. With star struck eyes, they eagerly hung on to every word that I spoke. As I spoke to my new found fans, I explained to them not to look up at me, but to the Savior Who sent me. The conversation continued for about thirty minutes as we spoke of their lives and mine. We shared some precious Christian love in those few short minutes. Just before we parted, we prayed together and then went our separate ways. I gave them both one of my ministry cards and they promised to contact me as soon as they got to a computer.

I must say that meeting them was an incredible witness to my spirit. It truly humbled me to find out that two teenage girls had been tracking me for a very long distance just to speak with me, the man that was carrying the cross. It made me realize how important it is for some people to see a "sign" from God so that they can be reminded and encouraged to continue in the faith. I did not expound specifically on our conversation in this write up, quite simply because it was very personal and private to both of them. I want them to know that my intention in our conversation was one to lift them up, and not meant to belittle them.

They did in fact contact me shortly after we met. We have had several conversations via the Internet that have been both a Godly experience and a comforting new friendship.

Heather, and Brooke, this God ordained friendship between you guys and my family started out as you chasing me down in a way that an obsessed fan would attempt to locate one of the Hollywood stars. I just want you to know that you may have begun chasing me down initially, but I now am the one that admires you and I will continue to be a fan of yours. When we met that day, I saw in both of you the desire to serve God with your lives. I believe that God wants to use both of you in great ways for His Kingdom if you choose to follow Him. I also believe that I am here to help you find that path. Thank you for letting me be one of the positive and Godly influences in your life. God loves both of you. God is after you because He wants to do something great with you. He will chase you for the rest of your lives because He has a plan for you. Please continue to chase after Him with everything you have. Stick together while chasing God. It's always easier to run the race with brothers and sisters running right beside you. Don't lose heart, you can do this!

Spread the WORD!!


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Check out another blog site.

Don't forget to read my last posting which is just before this one, but I wanted all of you to check out what a young lady wrote about me on her blog. Go to:

Spread the WORD!!


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Weathering the Storms

So there I was, preparing myself for another day of carrying the cross on the city streets of Gulf Shores. It being Tuesday afternoon I did not expect to come in contact with as many people as I do on the weekends. Nevertheless, I was eager to set out towards the mark that God would bring me to while walking this journey today. I prepared for the long walk by putting on my walking shoes, throwing my water pack over my shoulders, and looking over the cross to make sure it was in fit condition to make the trip. I knew the direction that God would have me walk and I briskly stepped that way.

As I set out I looked around in the sky to check for rain clouds, and none of them seemed to hold a threat of wet weather. Setting out, I walked a short distance and took a right onto one of the main roads. Then a left and then another right. Although, initially I did not see any tumultuous clouds looming over head, as I made my last right hand turn I did see a darkening cloud in the distance. I gave it a quick thought and then continued in the same direction as before, which was heading straight for the cloud.

As I got closer I could see that not only one cloud had darkened but that there was a sky full of raging, grim looking clouds just beyond the lighted sky. I once again asked the Lord if I was travelling in the direction He would have me go, and He gave peace to my heart that I was heading right where He wanted me to be. I finally reached the point at which I knew He wanted me to end my travel to turn around, and it was right on the outside edge of the gruesome and angry looking clouds above.

I set my cross against the building and went inside for a few minutes to speak with the people there. It only took a few more minutes for those heavy clouds to begin to release it's fury and a storm began right over us. The rains fell in heavy torrents and the lightning and wind was impressive. I waited inside for a little while longer and let the heaviness of the storm pass by. I found myself in a position of which time was running out and it would be getting dark soon. So I determined I must be heading back.

At a break in the storm, I finally set foot back to my home. As I set out this time, I knew that I was possibly in for some dangerous weather while walking along the roadway. I began to pray for safe passage back and for God to lead me out of harms way. As I regained the ground from which I had just come from, I was well aware of the ugliness that loomed above me. Rain began to poor down heavily on my body as thunderous crashes were not only heard, but also felt. The jagged streaks of lightning that broke the thick air in the distance only made me more aware of predicament I was in. Interestingly though, I was not afraid. As I spoke with God further, I realized a calming peace deep in my soul, even in the midst of that churning storm.

In fact, I was at such peace that I began to sing songs of His praise and walked with confidence that my God had taught me a valuable lesson this week about the storms of life. You see, this past week has been one of many trials and storms that rocked the boat of my life. I weathered some pretty significant battles that shook my faith to the point of re-evaluating it. Through God's divine messaging system He clearly re-established my faith in His sovereignty, and the call He has upon my life. Because of the week of spiritual storms that I weathered, I was able to walk through the storm this afternoon with the confidence that God is not finished with me yet, and that I was under His hand of protection.

As I walked through the swirling winds, the rolling thunder, and the brilliantly lit lightening bolts, I knew that danger completely surrounded me; but that my God was with me for He had sent me out, and He would protect me.

Reflectively, there has been many dangerous storms that have surrounded me and my family while making this journey to Gulf Shores and Orange Beach. Just like walking through the storm today, I have placed myself in the hands of the Father while laying my life on the line for the people in Gulf Shores and Orange Beach. As I continue to gain a deeper and deeper faith in my Savior Jesus Christ, then I will continue to also lay my life on the line so that this country and the world can know new life in Jesus Christ. In these hard days people are lonely, hungry, hurting, confused, and even dying. I will continue to follow my God's lead. I will "keep the faith" even in the midst of the storm so that the ones that are lost may be found.

I want to take just a moment to thank all of you for taking an interest in this ministry. I have come to realize that this ministry is such a needed one, especially for this area. Please pray for my family and me as we continue to follow God's lead in this brand new ministry. We are facing some hardships, but we know that God is faithful and He will supply all of our needs.

Please visit our new website for contact and donation information.

Or contact us at

Here is a collection of pictures that represent only a very small portion of the lives that this ministry has touched since beginning in Gulf Shores and Orange Beach, only six weeks ago. These pictures contain signings of the cross and people that I have connected with while carrying the cross here. Enjoy.

Don't forget to become a follower of this blog. Spread the WORD!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Please Pray Now! Urgent Prayer Needed.

The enemy has attacked us heavily the last two days. There are forces that do not want to see us go forward with this ministry. Money is very low. The van is broken down, it's going to cost about $250 to fix it. Bills are coming due. We have a lot of work to do that can't be done because of obstacles that have been placed before us. Some people around us are being used to discourage our efforts and they are saying hurtful things to us. Bradley and Brandon (my two older boys) will be leaving in a few days and I can't find the time to spend with them before they go. Should I go on?

Yesterday was especially agonizing for me. I needed to get to the church to work on a project that I promised I would do for them, it has a deadline. I had also intended to carry the cross beginning in mid-afternoon. We were waiting on someone to come and fix the van so that we could go and do the things we needed to do. Finally, at about 5 p.m. I decided not to wait anymore. I knew that this time delay was a ploy by the enemy to thwart our efforts to accomplish the things we needed to do. I grabbed the cross and carried it down the road to the places God was leading.

This time, I knew specifically that God wanted me to carry it to the beach itself. I knew the path to get there, and I took it at a quick pace. Once again, through my obedience Him, God blessed me and gave me enormous peace while carrying the cross. About an hour into the walk I finally reached the sandy beaches. It being almost six o'clock in the evening, the beach was not packed with people as it usually is. Though there were not many people, I continued on that path knowing that God wanted me to travel this route. The blessings that occurred on that beach were once again put in place by our all knowing God.

At first a family of four, stopped me and gave me encouragement. Their ten year old son quoted the entire passage of Psalm 100. He then wrote on the cross a profound statement that would catch up with me the next morning. He wrote, "God is Truth". At that time, I did not realize that God was speaking to me through a little ten year old boy, but I found out as the hardships of the this morning came, I suddenly realized that God was giving me words of encouragement for today. "God is Truth." God promised me that He would meet our needs if we obeyed His call to me to come to this place. We have now come, and God cannot lie. Although I battle with doubts and fear, I hear what God is telling me. He is telling me to just lay all else aside and trust in Him. We will continue to press toward the mark of His calling.

As I continued to travel down the beach further, a lady stopped me to talk to me. Her name was Angela and she began to share how God had saved her from a life of drugs and an abusive home life. She gave her life to God some time ago, and now volunteers her time with teenagers that are on drugs and in gangs. She is struggling herself with finances and a recent loss of her business, and was blessed by our conversation. She once again encouraged me to keep doing what I was doing.

As I began to walk away from the talk with Angela, a lady sitting on a towel called out to me to please come and speak with her. As I walked over I could see that her heart was heavy. She began to tell me that she is struggling right now and she saw me just the other day and almost stopped me so that she could talk with me. She told me her name was Susan and that most of her life she has struggled with drugs and alcohol addictions. She shared that her grown sons are very mad at her right now because she had made a decision to take an action that affected them. I can't go into the details, but she had attempted to stop a crime being committed that would possibly hurt her boys and others. As she sobbed, she told me that her boys have separated themselves from her and say they hate her for what she had done.

As I spoke with her I sat down on the sand and I just became her friend for about thirty minutes. We talked about the Lord and through that conversation I do believe that she is saved, but that she struggles more than most of us can imagine. Although I know that she would not openly say it, I know that she is being tempted to turn back to alcohol and drugs and climb back in that hole of darkness, just so that she can get away from the pain. I felt so moved to repeat over and over to her that God loves her and I do to. She expressed that she has a heart to help people, and I encouraged her to do that as often as possible. It will make her feel more important inside.

I asked her if I could give her something, and if she would wear it if I gave it to her. I have worn a leather necklace with a cross on it for about a year now, but I felt like God wanted me to give it to her. She eagerly said that she would take it and wear it all the time. As I gave it to her, I repeated that God loves her and that I love her too. I told her that anytime that she feels unloved or wants to turn back, that she is to rub that cross between her fingers and remember that God does love her and wants the best for her. I hugged her neck and left her with a smile on her face and encouragement for another day.

As I continued down the beach and out to the road I was able to give the gospel and a vivid description of Jesus' crucifixion to about six other people. As I was traveling down the road to go back home, it was getting dark but two men behind me yelled out to me to please stop. I did so and waited for them. It turns out they were with a church group down here to fish. The two men called their other buddies to come and see what I was doing and to join them. I'll make a long story short, but three of the men were preachers and one was a deacon.

They all prayed for me and wanted to carry the cross for me for a while. It was an amazing gift to my spirit. As they they walked they were not ashamed of what they were doing, in fact they were repeating loudly to the people on the roadway that was packed with cars that God loves them. They would yell out with a loving voice, "God loves you. He loves you so much He died for you." It was a beautiful sight, right there in the middle an over crowded Beach Blvd. in Gulf Shores on a Friday night. As they took turns carrying the cross, one of the men named Rickey told me how he had found the Lord. Seven years ago this man was living on the streets addicted to drugs and living in a tent that he had stolen. He has been saved from a horrible life that was dead and painful to a life that is now alive and well. He was excited and is now a preacher that God ordained through the hardships that he has endured.

His words to me were that of great encouragement. He just kept saying to me, "Don't Stop! Don't Stop! Nobody else is doing this." He told me that over and over again. He said, "People need to know God loves them and wants to save them, don't stop!". After about a half of a mile of walking, they prayed for me again, gave me some money and said, "Don't Stop!" I left them standing there watching me having the knowledge that once again God was speaking to me and to continue on.

I know that this is a long blog entry, and there are many stories packed in here. I feel the need to express to all of you how I feel everyday. I feel the need to inform you of what we are doing here so that it will bless all of those who read it. Although I do not have time to share all of the stories with you, I do my best to give you what I can so that you can be involved in what God is doing here.

As I began this blog, I expressed that my heart is heavy. It is a trying time for us and we are fervently seeking God's direction. Along with forces that are working against us, some people have expressed that they do not agree with the steps we are taking, and they have also implied that we have hidden certain aspects of our lives to gain support. I must be honest with you, statements like that cause me to fight off anger towards those that say such things about me and my family. Anyone that knows me, knows that I am so honest and real with people that in times past it has hindered my advancements due to my honesty. Most people appreciate honesty, but there are some that do not.

I will put in black and white, right here in this blog, for all of the world to see so that no one can accuse me of hiding anything from anyone anymore. I am a man that God took out of the pit and has lifted up to have a new life in Him. Yes, I have been married three times. I used to have a severe problem with my anger and my emotions. I had a foul mouth. My mind was perverted. I am still a very spirited person, especially when it comes to things concerning "my God". I was addicted to pornography and lust. It almost destroyed my life. I struggled with lust for at least six years after I was born again, but God freed me of that bondage about one and a half years ago. At that time, I made some comments to a girl that I should not have and it destroyed my soul to the point that I sought counseling. Through the grace and power of Almighty God I have been truly freed from that bondage and now can go and do things that most cannot. I have trouble communicating with my Mom and Dad, and my extended family. Before I was saved, I even struggled with suicidal thoughts. I hated my life before I accepted Christ as my Savior. I have debt and child support to pay. I don't like it, but it is part of my life. I don't mind taking care of my children, it is my responsibility to do so. It is the debt that I have to pay that I hate. I, we, have struggled for seven years to keep food on the table and pay the bills. I cannot lie, I have wasted and have made many poor choices in my life. I have always been an extremely hard worker. I worked so much that I never saw my children. I was never able to spend time with my family and that was my responsibility also. I was caught in a trap that I could not escape. For some reason God would not bless my work and allow me to make enough money to properly support my family. The entire time God was not blessing my efforts. For the last seven years I have known that He was calling me to ministry full time. For the last five years we have not even been able to afford our own house. Others have either given things to us or paid for our rent. In 2008, we were not able to pay any money on two American Express accounts. They were delinquent for a year. We owe family members approximately $10,000, that we are to pay back once we are out of the other debts. Thank God, we have been able to pay on the American Express accounts for a few months now, due to God's grace and blessings. We have a payment plan with them that we pray that we can continue to pay for. We still owe them about $13,000 all together. We have a Whitney account that we pay every month. We owe about $2500 on that one. We have no other debts, not even a car payment. We will never borrow another dime in our lives again. It would be easy to file bankruptcy, but we feel that we need to continue to do everything we can to pay it if we can. If we can't then we will take the necessary steps, then move on and continue to do God's work. I pay child support of $550 per month. Medical insurance for us is about $450 a month. It's not the best, but it is needed for a family of seven with five boys. Boys do tend to get hurt due to their rowdiness. Other than that we have normal living expenses such as rent, power, phone, water, food, and gas. We live as simple as we possibly can. We have no furniture. We do not go out to eat anymore if we are buying it (we will go out if someone offers to pay). We buy cheap things such as food and necessities. We are frugal.

As I stated before, we have hidden none of our circumstances to anyone that has given money to us. If someone does not know of our circumstances and they have given money to us for this mission then somehow they slipped through the cracks of the information we gave everyone and I will be more that happy to talk with them about it.

Yes, money that is given to us for this ministry is primarily used to support our family. So far the ministry itself has carried with it little expense except the move down here.

Just a side note that I feel I must express. I mentioned that I am going to build a bed to raffle for donations. To set those at ease that wish to participate, the ticket you will receive for the raffle is not a purchase on your part. It is a donation and then I will hand you a ticket. Those that have a problem with gambling need to know that there is no risk involved. It is simply a donation to our ministry with the possibility of getting a blessing from giving to us.

Now, with all of that being said concerning my past, my finances, support and all of the other things I mentioned, we are moving forward from this point on. I will no longer be discouraged or distracted by those that want to say hurtful things to us in an attempt to dismantle this ministry. This ministry is a ministry set forth by God Himself. If He blesses it. Then He blesses it. If He blesses us and helps us pay the bills, then we pay the bills. If not, then I work as hard as I can and still continue the ministry. If I can't pay them, then we will deal with that with bankruptcy or otherwise. Yes, I know that God says to pay your bills. Truth be told, I haven't been able to pay my bills in years, and I have only been able to pay them after I gave all of my work to Him and answered His call for my life. God is leading me to carry this cross and I will not disobey Him anymore. That is what I mean by the fact that if it leads us to hardship, we will still continue this mission. There is too much at stake concerning the souls of the lost and those hurting to do otherwise. God has called me to this for the rest of my life. God has called my family to endure this "cross". We are going to obey His calling, even to the point of our own deaths if need be.

Rest assured that I will do everything in my power to do God's will and make proper decisions concerning taking care of my family. Ultimately, it is up to God what happens to us. We are His servants and I will follow Him because there are so many people out there that need to know the love of Jesus.

This blog entry is something that has been laid on my heart to say. In fact, I have wanted to say this for a while now. If any of you that are praying for us, supporting us, or just following our progress are not comfortable with helping us continue this ministry then I welcome you to step away. I will completely understand it if you cannot put your efforts toward a ministry that is maintained by a man with a past such as mine. Know this as you leave, if you choose to do so, I am forgiven by God, and no man will stand in my way to do the will of the Father. I seek Him and His guidance with complete humility for I know that I am not worthy to take even another breath on this planet. My days of life have been greatly extended only by the mercy of the Father above. I count every new day a blessing and look for the opportunity to serve Him in each and every moment.

My prayer is that most of you will be moved in a positive way by my complete openness with you. Expect it more often, because those are reflections of the words God lays on my heart often. You will begin to see a movement to more transparency as this ministry continues. I pray that each of you see God's hand in all of this ministry...with open eyes it is obvious. I also pray that the actions and honesty of this ministry move you to support us, because we definitely need it, especially now!

God is with us! God is Truth! God bless all of you and this ministry!

Spread the WORD!!


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Prayer Meeting on the Beach.

As many of you know, I start out each cross walk asking God to guide each step that I take. I constantly pray for those that pass by me. I pray for people specifically as I see each one of their faces. The faces that I see, usually clue me in to how each person feels about seeing a man walking a big wooden cross beside them. I also pray specifically for which road I am to take and how far to travel on it. I usually do not set out with any kind of agenda other than to walk past the "one" person that God wants to see the cross on that particular day.

I am well aware that this method of carrying out the Great Commission influences many more than just one person, but I have just learned to carry it for that "one" person. By having that frame of mind I am able to leave it up to God whether I get to find out who I was able to influence for the day.

As I left out Monday, I did not think that I would actually be taking the cross to the sands for the day. I have taken it onto the sandy beaches before, but as of yet that has been a sensitive decision for me. I always wonder if I am going to get kicked off by the police, or if it will cause too much of a stir on the beach itself.

It is different than the road primarily because it usually involves lots of person to person contact. In fact all of them are contacts of that nature. It leaves no room for escape or turning back, and it is right up in people's faces, so to speak. When I walk on the beach I carry it right near the water's edge so that all on the beach can see it clearly. I must say, it does cause quite a stir. Everyone turns to look at the unusual sight of a cross being carried across the sands. Of course, I am not able to see through the eyes of the spectators, but it must be a breathtaking sight. Some people gasp, and others point and laugh. Although I do have those that reject the cross as it passes by, most of what I see is a shocked look on people's faces. Amazingly to me, I do get several people that are overjoyed by what they are witnessing. Many make that known to me in unashamed ways.

Once again, this walk on the beach carried with it a very special moment. It was truly one for the record books. As I was walking, three ladies yelled to me from the water, "Sir, can we please take your picture?". Of course, I said yes, and we all gathered around for a photo. As we were doing that, a lady, her grandson and granddaughter walked up to speak with me also (They are in the photo below). Then about five more people walked up. All of them at the same time came toward me to speak to me. I was overwhelmed for a moment by the enthusiasm of those approaching.

During the conversation with Linda, the grandmother, and her grandchildren (shown above), I learned that her husband had just passed away four months ago. He was a pastor and it was unexpected. I also learned that her grandson standing with her had lost his mother when he was about twelve years old. My heart went out to them immediately and I felt that I had to pray for them right there. I asked if the others wanted to join me, and they did. It was an unbelievable sight. Right there, on the overcrowded beach, eleven believers formed a circle, held hands, bowed their heads and prayed. Did you catch that? Eleven strangers openly prayed, in symbolic unity, right there in front of all of those lost souls. I was so moved by the Holy Spirit that I could hardly contain my joy. I can only imagine what those around us where thinking.

I know that God moved mightily that day. I know that many will remember that scene for a very long time. I know that the events of that day will bring someone to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. It may be years down the road, but that was a scene that one cannot forget.

Please pray for Linda and her family. She is raising her grandson by herself now. She truly needs to be kept in your prayers. My prayer is that God will bless all of you.

Spread the WORD!!


On Friday I plan to post a big announcement for the future of this ministry. Please don't miss it. It's going to require a lot of prayer and support. God has been faithful and He will continue to do so...........See ya next update!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Divine Appointments

Sunday morning I was awakened by a nagging feeling of anxiety. Thoughts of fear raced through my head as I could not keep my mind off of our finances. Although knowing that God has continued to provide us with everything that we have needed to make this trip, I still could not help but think about the fact that we only had about two weeks worth of money to cover our expenses. I was not frantic, but I was anxious.

I went to church with the same thoughts hoping and praying that something would calm my spirit. I'll admit it was a morning of discouragement and weakness. I am aware that God has been faithful to us and I also know that my faith is strong, but even I have days where I need encouragement.

My plan was to walk the cross after church and do so the rest of the day. As I set out on foot with the cross I was in constant prayer. I had that same uneasy feeling in my gut and I could not shake it. I walked for what seemed like miles with no encouragement. It seemed as though everyone that looked at me was either disgusted with me or apathetic. Rarely did I get a thumbs up or even a wave accompanied by a honk.

About an hour into the walk I called Rachel and asked her to meet me to pick me up so that I could go home. I just wanted to pray and read my Bible. A few minutes later I called her back and told her to cancel my request; even though I did not feel like it, I knew God wanted me out there. So I continued to walk. I physically stopped and bowed my head to pray about three times after I had called her back. I was asking God for direction and encouragement. I knew that someone was supposed to see me carrying the cross; therefore, I was not going to give up because of my own fears.

Then it happened. A family drove past me and as they did the man driving saw me with surprise in his eyes and pointed both hands at me. He turned his SUV around and got out and approached me. We began to talk and I shared my story with him. I found out he was from Oklahoma and was there on vacation. I told him that I thought that was a long way to travel for a vacation at the beach. He said it took them three days to get there and that they were just going wherever the Lord led them. He then handed me a $100 bill and said that God told him to give that to me.

I immediately began to cry. I knew at that moment that God had sent this man to encourage me. The man paraphrased a Bible verse when he said, "Care not for tomorrow, only about the things of today." He was talking about Matthew 6:34. The verse speaks of taking care of things for today, because tomorrow will have it's own worries. He then prayed for me and left.

There I was. A man of faith carrying a large, wooden cross through busy city streets. A man on the road to give other people encouragement and build other people's faith in God, but it turns out I was the one to be encouraged that day. I was the one that needed the overpowering presence of God. Suddenly, the day's events changed course and many things happened that were glorifying to God. To top it all off, a young girl also stopped me near the end of my walk. She handed me $20. Can you guess what her name was? Her name was Faith. Isn't God good to those that obey Him? He didn't have to bring Faith into my path at the end of the day, but He did, just because He wanted to overflow my cup.

Thank all of you for keeping up with us. I have some big news coming up soon so please stay logged on with us. We will continue to carry the cross here and then carry it wherever He leads us to next.

Spread the WORD!!


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Lots to little time

Okay, so I know I am a little behind on updating everyone, but I do have good excuses I promise. I have been very busy these last few days. I have walked with the cross for several miles this week already, but the things that have taken me from the blog has been all kinds of other involvements that stemmed from the ministry of the cross.

This photo was taken by James Durbin of the Mobile Press Register on July 4, 2009

As I was walking on Beach Blvd on Monday I was stopped by a young man that pulled up in a red truck. He pulled out a sports drink from a cooler that he had in the back and handed it to me. He introduced himself and began to tell me why he stopped. He told me that his wife was driving by and saw me. She then called him to let him know that there was a man carrying a cross down the boulevard.

He told me that he had to come and meet me, and that he had left work to do so. He told me that his name was Nick and that he keeps a cooler in the back his truck with cold drinks in it because he has had the intention of giving them to runners while speaking to them about Christ. He also told me of a ministry that they have begun in the city. They are heading up an International House of Prayer (IHOP). It is a nationally known ministry that brings in Christians for a prayer ministry and organizes a unified prayer team.

As we talked further we both began to realize that this connection was made for a purpose, God's purpose. The IHOP group that he has been leading is meeting primarily because they feel God's movement in the city to bring about a revival. They are praying that God will begin to bring the believers together in this area and that an awakening of God Almighty will begin to sweep the city. I attended the IHOP meeting that night and was greatly blessed. We have made new friends and have another connection to further complete God's mission for us here.

Tuesday I spent most of the day working on the administrative side of the ministry. Tuesday evening I felt that God wanted me to go out and ride around the city and pray for the people on the streets. I rode around for a while and listened to music while praying. Around midnight I became burdened for the people that I saw on the streets. I saw young girls, 15 and 16 years old, walking down dark streets by themselves with no where to go and nothing to do. I saw young men gathered together just hanging out. I began to pray for them while I rode around. I began to be concerned for their safety. I found it very difficult to understand how parents could allow their young teenage children to be doing such things this late at night. I also began to think merciful thoughts toward those parents that did not have control over their teenagers, and that was a possible explanation as to why some of them were out there.

I quickly realized that I had to do something. I began thinking of the possibilities of a ministry late at night to reach out to these teenagers. I will be working on ideas for a ministry to help lead these young people to the right path in life.

I stopped and spoke with these five guys. I told them who I was and that I was out there for them. I told them that I was a missionary here and was out trying to make new friends. I did make new friends that night. The fellow second from the left is nick named "Trip", and the young man that is fourth from the left is his step brother and his name is "Robert". They were very cool guys just trying to find a way to have a good time to get them through life. I hope to see them all again soon, and I pray I can help them find the path to true life.

My walk on Wednesday was a very interesting one. I walked North on Highway 59 (away from the beaches). I ended up with about 8 miles under my belt that day in walking distance. The traffic coming into the area on that road was constant and therefore thousands of people witnessed the cross being carried. Although not as many personal contacts as usual, I still had several people converse with me about what I was doing. Not all of that contact was positive I might add.

I had one gentleman talk to me for about thirty minutes, primarily because he disagreed with the fact that my cross had wheels and that Jesus' cross did not. He also expressed that my method of carrying the gospel to the people, hurt the cause, because I appeared to him as a "man that was not right in the head". As he spoke to me I quickly found out that his religion was one in opposition to mine. The religion he is party to believes that Jesus is not God, and that Jesus was actually "Michael, the Archangel". They also teach that there is no hell and that a certain group of people that followed their teaching are true saints, called "the elect". The most interesting point that he brought to my attention was that my method was possibly a means of blasphemy. I was not going door to door and dressing up just as they do, so my method was a false way to communicate the gospel.

He had lots of scripture and was very knowledgeable about his view of the Bible. I must respect him on that note. Many people do not know what they believe and certainly do not know why they believe it. What I found easy to combat was the interpretations that he derived from the Scriptures that he was quoting. It was as if we read and studied two different Bibles, when actually we derived two completely different doctrines from the same Book.

Although neither of us swayed from our beliefs, I was able to knock some large holes in some of his points which left him thinking about what we had discussed. Realizing that I could not convince him of his blindness from the truth, I was only able to discredit some of the religious philosophies that his religion had concerning the delivery of the gospel, as well as other points he made. Those realizations ,without a doubt, left him questioning some of the things he had thought to be truth taught by his religion. My intention was not to disrespect the man, but to break down the foundation he had built through a false religion. We parted ways and I prayed for him for a long time after that during the walk that day. I still am today.

As any other day on the street, I had a few comments thrown at me that I cannot repeat, but I also received some strong encouragement from believers. One lady in particular was from another state. If I recall correctly she was from Missouri. We were able to talk for a few minutes and she was a blessing to me by the things she said. She urged me to keep doing what I was doing, because it truly was a great encouragement for other believers and it strengthened their walk with the Lord.

My friends, I hope you forgive me for my lack of ability to update the last couple of days. Yes, God saved me from a lot of things, but I'm still a working progress. Please stay close to your computers and internet hook ups because I have lots more to share in the following days. We have been working on lots of things that will begin to take shape in days to come. God Bless.

Spread the WORD!!


Update! Follow up...Lin

Picture from the website

I apologize for not updating sooner. The last few days has been full of ministry opportunities that threw my schedule way off. I'm not stating that as a negative, but rather I am thankful for the things that have happened. Over today and tomorrow I plan to catch everyone up to speed on what has been happening here.

I wanted to give a quick update about Lin. As I stated in the last blog entry, Rachel had baked some brownies for her and her roommates. She was very thankful for them and thought that to be a kind gesture.

I was able to find a Bible that has a section in the front of it that answers lots of questions and gives a lot of information about our faith. It describes the importance of why we were created and why it is important to know our Savour. It does give the plan of salvation in it, while also answering other "big questions".

I met with her briefly at one of her jobs and was able to talk with her. Due to the fact that she was at work, I was not able to introduce her to Rachel and the boys yet, but we are just going to be patient and let the Lord lead. We took the Bible to her condo, but she was once again at work. Rachel left it with one of her roommates and he promised he would give it to her.

Please continue to pray for Lin. While talking with her, I have learned that one of the churches here, along with an independent ministry has had contact with her and she has been invited to activities with them. The independent ministry she is involved with is called "831 House". Check it out. The link is listed above.

We will continue to reach out to Lin and move as the Lord leads. Thanks for caring.

Spread the WORD!!


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Lin Update!!

Remember Lin Lin? She was the sweet young lady I met while walking the cross one day last week. She is an exchange student from China and is here for the summer. The first day that we spoke we talked for several minutes and she indicated she would like to speak to us more. Unfortunately, she has to work a lot while she is here, therefore she has not been able to meet Rachel or the rest of the family yet.

Rachel baked her and her roommates some cookies and I set them on her front porch with a note attached to it for her to call me. Good news! I was able to make contact with her again and she and her friends were very grateful for the goodies.

As we spoke I conveyed to her that my family would like to meet her and get to know more about her. She said, "I would like that very much." Once she checks out her schedule at work she is going to contact me and we are going to find a time to meet.

Thank all of you for your interest in our relationship with Lin. I know that God has begun to join a union of friendship that will bring glory to Him. Of course I want to share the stories of Jesus Christ with her, but I do really desire to get to know her as a person. I really liked talking with her and truly desire for my family to meet her even if it is just to develop a better friendship with her.

Keep checking back please. I hope to hear more soon.

Spread the WORD!!


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Inspired by friends I don't even know...

Most of us have heard the phrase, "Unexpected things happen to those who least expect it." That statement rings out loudly to me each time I hit the streets to carry the cross.

When we began this ministry we had no idea how people would react to the sight of a man carrying a cross down the roadside. Within minutes on the first day of carrying the cross, I was thrown into a world of unexpected experiences.

One needs to understand that we set out on this mission to lead others to Christ, not to benefit ourselves in any way. I for one, really expected more negative response from people, but I was wrong. It is true that I come across a lot of people that look at me as though I have escaped from my cell at the local mental institution. I also get my fair share of those who taunt me and throw vulgar comments my way. Those kinds of responses are taken in stride and are to be expected. What I did not realize was that I would receive an overwhelming response of positive encouragement from people urging me to continue carrying the cross for the Lord.

For instance, meet Sherryl and her two daughters:

As I was walking down Beach Blvd., heading from Gulf Shores to Orange Beach, I looked up and saw a couple of trucks off in the distance parked on my side of the road. My side of the roadway did not have any businesses on it in that area so my curiosity was peaked when I saw them there.
As I got closer one of the trucks pulled away while leaving a black truck directly in my path. Just a few minutes prior to me realizing they were there, a couple of guys in a truck had just been yelling at me and mocking me. For a split second I had a suspicious thought that those guys might be in that black truck and waiting for me to walk by them. In that stretch of the highway, I had no other directions that I could travel so I was forced to walk toward them.
Although I approached with caution, I realized that God was with me and was my protection if I needed Him. Yes, it was in broad daylight and many others were travelling on the same highway, but carrying a cross through a city does attract a lot of attention and that attention is not always the most favorable kind. As I got closer, my slight apprehension was quickly extinguished when three nice lady's (Sherryl and her two daughters) stepped out of the truck with a cold bottle of water in their hands.
As we met they began to share the fact that they had just pulled of the road to stop and encourage me and offer me a donation; but as they did so, they got their truck stuck in the sand. The other truck that I had seen leaving had just pulled them out from being stuck. Instead of being frustrated and leaving they were kind enough to stick around and wait to meet me.
One of the little neat things I do is that I let "believers" sign the cross with their names and write a word of encouragement or a prayer request on the cross to serve as a memory for me, Rachel, and others that witness the ministry. As I walk down the road I am able to read the names on the cross and pray for them. Many of the signings help me to remember each word of encouragement and each of their faces. Rachel also has begun the ministry of collecting a list of signers and praying for them. As you can see in the pictures, Sherryl is signing the cross with a Sharpie Marker that I provide.
These three ladies and I had a fun filled conversation for a few moments, and I expressed how awful I felt about them getting stuck just for me. I apologized with anguish because I was the cause for them getting there truck stuck in the sand, but they would hear nothing of it. They just encouraged me to keep walking the cross for the Lord because many people need to see a radical statement like this one. After a smile and a couple of pictures, we parted ways and I continued on.
Several other people stopped that day to talk with me. One dear lady had passed me earlier in the day and told her family that if they saw me again that she had to stop and talk to me. Obviously she did pass by and stopped. She stated that I had made her day by the encouragement she received from seeing me carry the cross. She stated that she was a recovering addict and she had given her life to the Lord. She was so inspired that she stated she could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit with me, as she shook off the goose bumps she was having. (Rachel and I like to call those "God bumps"). Once again, there were so many contacts made for God's glory that I could not mention all of the things that happened that day.
On another note, some of you have asked about the Chinese girl named Lin Lin. When I met her she stated that she worked most of the weekend so I decided not to try to make contact with her. Rachel made some brownies for her and her roommates today and we put them on her porch this afternoon with a note attached. I was able to find her a Bible that is perfect for her. It is a New Testament and it has a section in the front that shows the plan of salvation and how to walk the Christian life. It also contains a section called "Big Questions" which answers a lot of questions we have about God and our purpose.
Once again, thank all of you for keeping up with what God is doing for us and the people here. I can't wait to see what God has in store when this ministry really begins to take shape and gets off the ground. I sense something much bigger is on the horizon. As I talk with people from churches here they are all expressing that a radical calling such as our ministry is exactly what this community needs. Not only that, but they all are making statements that the body of believers here need to pull together more to reap the harvest of this mission field. They have expressed many times that something like this ministry could help that unity to occur.
Please pray for us. God is still providing in unimaginable ways. This week and next week I am supposed to be meeting with several leaders of churches and ministries here. I am going to begin to introduce some things that would help build a stronger bond between those entities. I am truly sensing the Holy Spirit preparing the hearts of the leaders and the people to begin to work together in the vast mission field that they have here. Please continue to pray. Pray for me to make wise moves and statements. Pray that God will continue to reveal things I need to say and do to bring this together. Pray for the hearts of those here that they will continue to see the need and they will open their hearts and minds to God's movements.
Thank you all once again.....................Spread the WORD!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

My plans, or God's plans...I think I'll go with His.

When I woke up this morning I fully intended to be on the road at 10:00 a.m. to carry the cross. I was going to walk all day and I knew which direction that I was going to head. These days I am being very careful and sensitive to God’s leading and the direction my path should be each time I go out.

I had breakfast at 7:00 a.m. with a few guys from church and then tried to head home. As I cranked the van to leave I noticed that our weakening car battery was getting much weaker, so I decided to head to the auto parts store for a battery. Got that, and then decided to go to the church to see if I could get some handout material for the streets today while carrying the cross. One hour and a half later, I finally left the church and headed home. By that time it was time for lunch time, so I ate.

At 1:00 p.m. I finally made it out the door to walk the cross. I was not very happy with myself because I had not made it to the streets when I thought I should be out there. Notice I said, “When I thought I should be out there”. Apparently, God does not go by my plans for the day because He had something very special waiting for me just down the road.

As I learned later, Rachel had felt the Lord urging her to pray for someone that she felt was going to need to see the cross at the exact time I left, and not when I expected to leave. As I left I began to ask the Lord to still work in someone in particular even though I had left at a later time.

Then it happened. As I was walking on Highway 59, a short distance from our house, I noticed a young girl starting to walk behind me. She had just left the grocery store and apparently was walking home with groceries in hand. As we continued a block or two, she caught up with me and walked right beside me. With an accent, this young Chinese girl asked me why I was carrying the cross.

As I began to explain to her the story of Jesus, I quickly learned that her name was Lin (picture shown above) and that she was an 18 year old, foreign exchange student from China. She was here for the summer and she knew very little about our Saviour. We walked for several blocks together and I shared many things about God and the Bible with her. She was very open to our conversation and was intrigued to know more. She was so eager to learn more, that she invited me up to share some tea and talk with her and her roommates about the stories I was telling.

With her friends in the same room, I laid out the history my life and the story of Jesus. I expressed to her that she also needed a Savour. As we closed our conversation, I expressed to her that I would love to share more with her about the way to eternal life. She expressed a sincere eagerness to know more and to attend church with us.

I was very impressed with Lin. She seems to be a very sweet girl and I hope that our family can develop a deep and lasting friendship with her. I hope to introduce her to the possibility of having a Bible study with her and at the same time I would love to know more about her life while living in China. Pray for Lin. She knows she has a purpose in life and I pray she finds it

During my 10 mile hike today I spoke with several about the Lord. I had a very meaningful conversation with a girl named Felicia. She is seeking direction in her life and I pray that she will contact me again so that we can help her.

Thank God that His plans are not “my plans”. I thank the Lord for His sovereignty. Without it, I would have possibly missed the wonderful opportunities that I was given today.

Continue to …..Spread the WORD!!


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Cross Walk weekend of the 4th

So far most of my cross walking has been quite encouraging. Most folks are at least polite even if they do not understand or agree with what I am doing. But this weekend was quite a different story. As soon as I began my walk on Saturday there was a different spirit in the air. As I looked upon the faces passing by me I could see that a dark cloud was on the horizon just waiting for me. Instead of smiles and waives from most, I received hardened and sour looks from many. Many statements of mockery were slung at me, and even some interestingly vocalized profanity was hurled my way. I got a real since that I was not only going to receive resistance today, but possibly someone's attempt to harm me.

As I walked I had to rely on the knowledge that God was with me and that He would protect me from physical harm. I am a believer in a very active spiritual realm between angels and demonic forces and I do believe there was quite a battle going on around me. It's something I can't really explain other that I just could sense the evil around me. It's kind of like that strange feeling in the air just before a tornado hits an area. You can't quite put your finger on it but you can feel the difference in the atmosphere around you. You can't necessarily see the danger, but you know it is close by so you had better keep your guard up. With that said, a large portion of my walk that day was spent in prayer to God to send His angels to protect me, and I believe He did.

Many things happened that day, but one was particularly eventful. Two young men, who had seen me earlier that day, pulled up beside me as I was entering a parking lot. I will leave them nameless but they are the two in the picture above. The driver, with a beer in his hand, began to ask me questions about why I was carrying the cross. Although not overtly trying to start an argument, I could tell early on that if I did not answer his questions wisely then he would become aggitated. He stated that his family was muslim and that he did not believe in words from man and would not follow after the prophet named Jesus.

As I began to explain the truth about Jesus and the Bible he stepped out of the car. Although not much taller than I, he was very muscular and strong. He stopped me and challenged my position about Jesus Christ. While answering his questions I used a little tool I learned while being a police officer. I diverted the conversation to another subject for a minute so to not escalate his potential anger. I asked him where he was from. He stated he was Iranian. As the conversation continued I was able to lighten the conversation by giving him respect and even throwing in a few jokes. With the mood lightened (a softening spurred by the Holy Spirit) I was able to speak to him about deep things concerning Jesus, the Bible, and the gospel. He listened to me because of my respect for his position and that he could see my passion for following Jesus.

He stated to me that he just had a friend get out of prison that had gotten saved and had begun to talk to him about the Bible. I thought that point to be very interesting and meaningful to the explanation of why he was so focussed on approaching me.

Truth is, amongst that hard exterior, he is a passionate man full of loyalty and conviction that is searching for the truth. He is looking for something to fill that hole in his life. He knows that there is something more real than what he has experienced and he is searching for the answer. I left the conversation knowing that I had planted a seed in that mans life. I was able to warn him that the path he is on may lead to destruction before he realizes it.

I pray for him.........I hope you will too..........Who knows, just maybe he needed to see me carry that cross so that his friend could lead him to the Lord........Thanks for caring and

Spread the WORD!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Divine Appointments!

Sorry for the late update....I have excuses but I won't use them....they are legitimate though, I promise.

Each step we are taking in this journey is a following of the path that God lays out before us. That path is laid out through many different ways. Just as our leading to Gulf Shores, I also carry the cross with the same inspiration. I do not set out to go to any particular location unless the Lord lays a certain person or place on my heart. As I walked this time He pointed me in the direction of Orange Beach by the using the road Beach Blvd. I walked that road determined to make it to Orange Beach, hopefully by night fall. As I was walking past vehicles traveling 50-70 miles an hour I could only trust my God to protect me.

This walk seemed to be different. It was as if I was to walk it for a specific person. I thought as if I needed to make it to Orange Beach on that road for one person in particular. Honestly, I do not know who for, but I do believe that through my obedience, and some sacrifice, the one person that needed to see me carrying that cross was reached. As usual I met many people along the way and stopped to talk with them about the Lord. The gospel was shared several times. The amazing thing to me so far has been how people (other Christians) will pull off on the side of the road, run to catch up with me, and flag me down to tell me how this place needs what we are doing and how they are encouraged by our steps of faith.

As I was waling I passed by a high rise condo. I continued on and about two blocks further down the road I heard a man's voice asking me to please stop. He had seen me on the road and came down from a unit up in the high rise and ran to catch up with me. Politely stated, he did not appear to be a marathon runner and it was extremely hot out there. As he approached me, he was sweating profusely and was out of breath. Many people offer me water as I am out there, but this time I felt as if I should offer him my water :)....the poor fellow had worked very hard just to get to me and talk with me. Not only that, as we were talking He was stung by a bee on the hand....when it rains it poors....He was already out of breath and I was just hoping he wasn't allergic.....but anyway, he ran all that way to tell me that he and his family saw me from the high rise and that he was greatly encouraged and moved by this. We had a wonderful discussion of how he loves to go on mission trips and soon he will be leaving for Peru.

As I was walking in a barren part of Beach Blvd another couple kept passing by and taking pictures. Now you have to understand that cars are zooming by while these sweet folks are slowing down to take my picture. A few times I was fearful they were going to get hit and I would feel as though I had caused it. Thank the Lord they were kept safe and as I approached Orange Beach they were waiting for me in a parking lot. They wanted to talk with me about what I was doing. They were also believers and we shared several minutes of encouragement and invitation.

Honestly folks, I am trying to paint a picture of just a small portion the things I am experiencing while walking with the cross. I never knew what kind of an impact it would make. At one point I counted cars that passed me for a certain length of time. I calculated an estimate of how many cars and people witnessed me carry that cross that day. Through my calculation there was approximately 10,000 cars that passed me along that roadway. Estimating 2-3 people in each one, there could have been up to 30,000 people that witnessed a man carrying a cross.

Until you experience that you cannot know what that feels like. One could argue that all of those people did not see me. I would have to argue that most of them did. They did not have a choice but to see me. Every car I pass I look at the people and all of them are looking straight at me. Some are shocked. Some are mean. Some are smiling, and some are laughing. All I can say is this, I have known for years that God wanted me to present the gospel to thousands upon thousands of people. I always thought it would be through a pulpit. The road has now become my pulpit.

You must understand that just the mere sight a man carrying a cross brings conviction. It forces you to make a choices. Is the gospel presented? not necessarily, but most people in this country know of the cross and at least part of what it stands for. It forces them to deny it or accept it. It forces them to think about a man that died for them and their sins. It forces them to think about the fact that God is here and He is watching their every move while in this city.

I once thought that this would have been a poor way to conduct evangalism, but now I know different. As of yet I have not approached anyone, they have all approached me. Even though only carrying this cross a short time, I have already presented Christ to ten's of thousands of people. Thank you to my God and to our supporters for this wonderful opportunity.

Spread the Word.....Barry

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Trusting God

Over the last several days we have had to pray for God's direction concerning our income. Knowing whether to carry full time or carry part time and get a job. Money for next week is not here yet. This morning a very nice gentleman from church was interested in hearing our story and was concerned for the well being of our family. He was very sincere and as many others, he did not understand this process of our relying on God to provide in this manner. Friends, relatives, pastors, and strangers have questioned if the manner in which we are going about this is a wise choice. And just for everyone's information, I too challenge the process at which this step into ministry is the way God wants us to. So I completely understand others concerns and am thankful for their words to us.

However, all I can do is seek God and ultimately make sure that I am hearing Him correctly and through that obey Him. His will not mine. When I sit down and ask Him for His direction it is always very clear. "Trust Me! Obey Me! Go where I tell you to go and do what I tell you to do". Right now that is to "Carry the cross in Gulf Shores until I tell you to stop. Barry, Regardless of what you see with your eyes and feel with your body, CARRY THE CROSS AS MUCH AS YOU CAN AND TELL PEOPLE ABOUT ME! and then watch Me work (Be still and know that I am God)."

Will the bills get paid...I don't know. Will we suffer loss...I don't know. Will we be ridiculed for the way we are doing this...I don't know.

Will people's lives be changed according to His will? YES!....Will people be encouraged by this? YES!!...Will people see God in this? YES!........Will Gulf Shores and Orange Beach be impacted by this....YES they will, in fact it has already begun.

Folks, I don't have all of the answers. I'm just following the voice that I KNOW to be God. Following God is not always easy, in fact the more He asks of you the more He will use you. When I read the Bible I see story after story where God asked people to do things that were not easy. They were not logical many times. They were not even safe. But in most cases those were the ones God used the most to impact the world. Think about it, the stories in the Bible that impacted the world the most put everything on the line when God commanded them to do something. We are just ordinary people, obeying God's will for our lives.

When Jim Elliot and his crew where killed by savages, was that safe and logical? No, but God directed them there for HIS purpose.

When 11 of the 12 apostles were imprisoned and executed, was following Jesus Christ safe and logical? No, but God directed them for HIS purpose.

I could go on...I could name story after story in today's world and in the Bible where God asked His followers to do unimaginable, illogical, and impossible things. Was it dangerous? Was it scary? Did everything work itself out squeaky clean? The ways of God quite often seem foolish to man. He knows what He is doing. He sent us here. Somehow, someway He will take care of us.

Is God asking you to do something that you haven't done? Are you scared? Are you worried? Are you using man's logic to decide what to do? Remember confusion is not from God. God has not given us a spirit of fear. Have faith! If He is telling you to do something then do it. Trust Him all the way through it. He knows what He is doing.

Thank all of you so much for following us as we walk through this. Pray that God will continue to lay on people's hearts to provide money, material, services for our family so that we can carry Christ's love to all that are here. This place is screaming for an escape from eternal damnation. These people ,locals and tourists, are in need of hope from the desperation they are living in or trying to escape from.

As you pray, as you support please know that Gulf Shores needs me to carry this cross....They need someone and something to lead them to the well that never dries up...Our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Spread the Word!!!!!....Barry