Thursday, July 2, 2009

Trusting God

Over the last several days we have had to pray for God's direction concerning our income. Knowing whether to carry full time or carry part time and get a job. Money for next week is not here yet. This morning a very nice gentleman from church was interested in hearing our story and was concerned for the well being of our family. He was very sincere and as many others, he did not understand this process of our relying on God to provide in this manner. Friends, relatives, pastors, and strangers have questioned if the manner in which we are going about this is a wise choice. And just for everyone's information, I too challenge the process at which this step into ministry is the way God wants us to. So I completely understand others concerns and am thankful for their words to us.

However, all I can do is seek God and ultimately make sure that I am hearing Him correctly and through that obey Him. His will not mine. When I sit down and ask Him for His direction it is always very clear. "Trust Me! Obey Me! Go where I tell you to go and do what I tell you to do". Right now that is to "Carry the cross in Gulf Shores until I tell you to stop. Barry, Regardless of what you see with your eyes and feel with your body, CARRY THE CROSS AS MUCH AS YOU CAN AND TELL PEOPLE ABOUT ME! and then watch Me work (Be still and know that I am God)."

Will the bills get paid...I don't know. Will we suffer loss...I don't know. Will we be ridiculed for the way we are doing this...I don't know.

Will people's lives be changed according to His will? YES!....Will people be encouraged by this? YES!!...Will people see God in this? YES!........Will Gulf Shores and Orange Beach be impacted by this....YES they will, in fact it has already begun.

Folks, I don't have all of the answers. I'm just following the voice that I KNOW to be God. Following God is not always easy, in fact the more He asks of you the more He will use you. When I read the Bible I see story after story where God asked people to do things that were not easy. They were not logical many times. They were not even safe. But in most cases those were the ones God used the most to impact the world. Think about it, the stories in the Bible that impacted the world the most put everything on the line when God commanded them to do something. We are just ordinary people, obeying God's will for our lives.

When Jim Elliot and his crew where killed by savages, was that safe and logical? No, but God directed them there for HIS purpose.

When 11 of the 12 apostles were imprisoned and executed, was following Jesus Christ safe and logical? No, but God directed them for HIS purpose.

I could go on...I could name story after story in today's world and in the Bible where God asked His followers to do unimaginable, illogical, and impossible things. Was it dangerous? Was it scary? Did everything work itself out squeaky clean? The ways of God quite often seem foolish to man. He knows what He is doing. He sent us here. Somehow, someway He will take care of us.

Is God asking you to do something that you haven't done? Are you scared? Are you worried? Are you using man's logic to decide what to do? Remember confusion is not from God. God has not given us a spirit of fear. Have faith! If He is telling you to do something then do it. Trust Him all the way through it. He knows what He is doing.

Thank all of you so much for following us as we walk through this. Pray that God will continue to lay on people's hearts to provide money, material, services for our family so that we can carry Christ's love to all that are here. This place is screaming for an escape from eternal damnation. These people ,locals and tourists, are in need of hope from the desperation they are living in or trying to escape from.

As you pray, as you support please know that Gulf Shores needs me to carry this cross....They need someone and something to lead them to the well that never dries up...Our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Spread the Word!!!!!....Barry


  1. Barry, it's funny that you write this today. I watch messages every day from and todays message was about "Achieving greatness will require you to leave!" It's was based on Genesis 12:1-4 and God's command to Abram. Sometimes you have to leave where you are so God can take you to where He wants you to be. When God says leave, He always gives you a promise. God's command to Abram was to leave everything and go to the place He would show him, vs 1. Then God gave him 7 promises in vs. 2-3.

    God has given you your command, and He will be faithful and fulfill His promises to you. I pray strength, courage, wisdom and protection on you and your family. Keep the faith and may God be with you and keep you.

    Take care and drink plenty of water. God gives us a lot but unless there's a rock with water coming out of it, I'd carry a bottle!! :-)

    Your brother in Christ,

  2. I'm so proud and inspired by you Barry. Don't let this world discourage you. Arthur Blessitt walked the cross through every, I mean every country in this world and every provence, island, etc. and I don't mean down the nice paved streets he walked the jungles and the desert and our God was with him and he survived walking through country's like Iraq and Iran and some of the worst in South America. He had God's protection! Praise be to God! Remember NOTW (Not of this world) We are not of this world! As you friend Rob did, I pray for strength, courage, wisdom and protection on you and your family. Praise and glory to the lamb of God!

    In Christ,

    JoAnne Josey
