Friday, June 12, 2009

Waiting on the Lord!

Barry writes....Just a quick note to fill all of you in....Some wonder why we are attempting this mission while living in a tent. I had a few reasons for the tent living. 1) Thought it would be less expensive and wanted to use every resource we could toward other living and ministry expenses. 2) To back away from the hustle and bustle of life so we could focus on a more simple life (I know that is possible in other ways but this way we would not have a choice but to simplify out lives in order to serve the Lord better). 3) I thought it would be an interesting way to break free from the bondage of a life too busy to serve the Lord fully. Our plans are to journal all of this and put a book together defining the process of taking these steps of faith. Many have suggested we document what we do so that it can serve as encouragement to others. As you have probably noticed that all of these reasons involved "my" thoughts and my plans. I just had the idea of the tent life and thought it was a good way to have our family grow through it. God sent us here and I know that. We are determined to follow God's commands upon our lives regardless of the difficulties it may cause in our lives.

I just want to set some of you guys at ease because there has been some concerns expressed as to the health of our children while in this tent. We, I, am seriously considering all aspects, opinions and circumstances concerning our living conditions. Turns out it will probably be cheaper to live in an apartment here. The missions pastor of the church we are attending expressed he might be able to find us a cheaper more comfortable place. If support comes in for us to live inside a house, apartment, or otherwise and it is more beneficial to do so, then that is what we will do. I am supposed to hear from the missions pastor early next week and he will give us more info. Last word, if the Lord opens the door there and I am confident that He is directing us to move into that residence then we will do so without question. It does appear that He may be pointing us that direction, but I am waiting the Lord to open those doors.

Thank all of you for your concern, support, and prayer.
Christ hung for you, so you would stand for Him! God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. Barry, I sent out request to my church family and wanted you to know. You all may have received the email as well...I asked for the below things this morning as soon as I spoke with you see below...I love you and yours very much! Momma Ann
    Please pray for the following:

    1. The heat is so intense. They are seeking a small apartment or house to live in. The pastor at the Christian Life church who they will minister under is seeking to help them with this. This is important for Barry to feel comfortable that his family does not get too hot in the large 7 room tent they are now occupying at the state park in Gulf Shores.
    2. Pray that if God wants He gives Barry temp job to help offset finances. They have much support but expenses are higher than expected.
    3. Pray for Barry as he is to start walking a cross on the beach road area starting next week. The church there has approved this. Barry will need stamina and hydration and above all the hand of God in this. He is making the cross with wheels this week end.
    4. His heart is for ministry but he also knows he must see to the needs of his family.

    Please, please pray with me for God to receive the glory! and for their protection from the enemy (little letters because the enemy is little) Our God is mighty to walk out his purpose in the lives of those called by His name in Christ Jesus..Amen thanks, dear prayer warriors...
