Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Be Real!

Unable to post pictures at this time...Sorry : (

I would like to share with all of you a reality that I could easily pass over if I chose to do so. Most of you that have read of this journey we are on have been able to witness not only the blessings, but also the difficulties that accompany it. You have seen and felt our times of joy and peace, but you have also been involved in the fears and despairing days that we have faced.

I could easily pass over the uncertain circumstances, and just share with you the blessings God has graciously afforded upon us. In fact, some men and women that have given their lives to minister, only speak of the ups and not the downs. Maybe that is their mission, or maybe they restrict the negatives because they are embarrassed. They may even believe that a transparent life would somehow make them seem as though they are not worthy to carry the scepter of ministry.

I, for one, want my life to be an open book for all people to read. I believe that the transparency I show, coupled with humility, is exactly what God wants me to reveal to people. What I have learned in my thirty-seven years is that people are not perfect. There are many that appear to be, and there are some that even think they are, but I assure you, no one is perfect. They are not even close.

I said all of that to premise this one important aspect of my calling. Not only has God been changing other people by our steps of faith, but He has also changed us. Over the last few weeks God has specifically had me in a mental and spiritual place to "prepare" for the new beginning of our lives and this ministry. One of the key concepts of this "new beginning" is the realization that our primary ministering role (outside of our family) is not to evangelize directly, but indirectly through inspiration and steps of faith that lead other believers to take steps of faith for themselves. Without a doubt our ministry has a profound and direct affect on the lost, but honestly, that has become a by-product produced by our obedience.

For example, I received a phone call just the other day from a couple that has been following our progress. In that phone conversation one of them expressed how they were greatly encouraged from reading the blog and that they pass it on to others often. Another believer expressed that they have been struggling with a traumatic incident that occurred in their family and that we have helped them see that God is sovereign even in the tough times. Another person told me, "That if a normal guy like you can make such a radical step to share his faith, then we all should be able to share Christ with those in our own world, even in mine." If I had the time, and the memory to recall all of them, I would love to share with you the countless conversations that I have had with others that have been changed by our mission. Although it is still hard for me to imagine, I am now aware that by simply obeying God to take this step has not only encouraged hundreds of believers, but thousands all over the country. That is an undisputed fact, that brings me to my knees daily.

Why did I write all of this? Why am I trying to paint you a picture of the fact that God has used this ministry in enormous ways already? It's simple. It's because I want you to see how important it is to obey God. I want you to realize how God can work through your own life. I want you to know that the things that Satan intended for destruction in your life, God intends for good.

Catch this very important point. Don't let this point slip away from you. Here it is, "God wants to build His Kingdom, by using the broken pieces of your life." He is the foundation, and you are what makes His Kingdom special.

So, with the knowledge you have gained from witnessing our family's actions, and the leading of the Holy Spirit in your own life, move forward, answer His commands with a "Yes, Lord", and take those steps of faith necessary that will build the Kingdom of God through the use of your testimony.

Keep the FAITH!! Spread the WORD!!


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